Right-Wing Violence

This page was updated on September 2, 2023

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09-19-2022 - Whistleblower Alleges FBI Schemed to Distort January 6 Cases

                     into Nationwide ‘Domestic Violent Extremism’ Epidemic

02-23-2021 - DHS: ‘Right-Wing Extremists’ Committed Most Deadly Terrorist

                     Attacks Last Year

04-24-2020 - The ADL's extremism statistics make it seem like ultraright-wing

                        violence in the US is more common than it actually is

10-07-2019 - Who’s really behind all the political violence?  Is the popular

                     narrative about right-wing terrorism justified?

​​02-13-2019 - Faking Hate-crime Statistics, ADL Claims “Right-wing” Violence

                     Greatest Threat

​​11-27-2018 - About Those ADL "Right-Wing Violence" Statistics

06-10-2014 - Are Most Mass Murderers Really White?