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08-15-2024 - Harris Wants to Give $25,000 for Home Down Payment to First Generation


06-20-2024 - Why America's housing shortage is getting worse, even as construction

                     sees its biggest boom in 16 years

07-22-2023 - Investors: Biden's Mass Migration Inflates Americans' Housing Costs

07-11-2023 - Illinois law prohibits landlords from refusing to rent or sell property to

​                     illegal migrants

05-25-2023 - Supreme Court limits federal power over wetlands in favor of property


04-20-2023 - Biden Rule Forces Good-Credit Homebuyers to Subsidize Loans to

              Higher-Risk Borrowers
04-18-2023 - Biden to hike payments for good-credit homebuyers to subsidize

              high-risk mortgages <I smell yet another well-deserved SCOTUS slap down

                about to occur!>

04-12-2023 - Report: Two Million Left Major Cities from 2020 to 2022

04-11-2023 - Census Data Shows Mass Exodus from Democrat-Run Cities to Red States

​03-29-2023 - The States Americans are Leaving and Why

​03-15-2023 - Between Red and Blue States, the Divide Drags on

02-09-2023 - Austin's Airbnb Party Houses Are the City's Newest Form of Gentrification

                      - Texas Monthy 20230209

01-22-2023 - 10 Cities Homeowners are Fleeing (and Where They’re Going)

10-05-2022 - US Mortgage Rates Rise for Seventh Week to Highest in 16 Years​

​09-23-2022 - More People Leaving San Francisco Than Any Other Metro Area: Redfin

09-01-2022 - Single Family Home Construction Spending Plunges 4%

07-25-2022 - Report: Americans Flee Blue State Cities for Red, Purple States

03-02-2022 - Inc. Spreads Misinformation About Rural America

02-24-2022 - Bidenflation: New Home Prices Soared and Sales Dropped More Than

                     Expected in January

02-21-2022 - Bidenflation Runs Hot Sending Rents Soaring 20% Across the Country

01-17-2022 - Report: Black Americans Fleeing Democrat-Controlled New York, California

11-17-2021 - New Home Construction Slows And Falls Short of Expectations Amid

                     Shortages and Bidenflation

09-24-2021 - Bidenflation: New Home Prices Up 20% While Sales Are Down 24.3%

09-22-2021 - Existing Home Sales Fall as Bidenflation Pushes First Time Buyers Out of


08-26-2021 - WINNING!  Supreme Court lifts federal ban on evictions

08-17-2021 - Bidenflation: Inflation and Shortages Plunge Homebuilder Confidence to

                     Lowest Level in 13 Months​​

08-10-2021 - 'Master' Bedroom Is Racist Now, Say Several Real Estate Groups

07-26-2021 - Bidenflation: New Home Sales Unexpectedly Plunge 6.6%

07-22-2021 - Bidenflation: Sales of Million Dollar Homes Up 147%, Median Home Price

                        Hits Record High

06-01-2021 - America's Housing Future Remains Murky At Best, Part 2: Government

                     Mucks Up The Market

05-16-2021 - America's Housing Future Remains Murky At Best, Part 1: Buyers & Sellers


09-01-2021 - Bidenflation Hits U.S. Construction: America Spent More to Build Fewer

                     Houses in July

08-27-2020 - HUD Secretary Ben Carson Rips Media On Housing: I ‘Expect Little In

                     The Way Of Analysis Or Truth’

​​08-26-2020 - HUD Secretary Ben Carson: Racially ignorant media don't know most

                     minorities now live in suburbs

08-25-2020 - HUD Secretary Ben Carson: Opportunity zone investments to rebuild

                     minority areas exceeding targets, hit $75 billion

08-22-2020 - The Left-Wing War on America’s Suburbs

08-21-2020 - Residents fleeing North are voting against 'policies of blue state America,'

                     economist says

08-07-2020 - Escape From New York: Wealthy Residents Flee In Droves As The City

                     Degenerates Into A Hellhole

07-20-2020 - Donald Trump Proposes End to Obama's Suburb-Killing Forced Housing

07-16-2020 - 'The Suburb Destruction Will End With Us': Trump Vows to Make Sweeping

                     Cuts to Federal Regulations

07-15-2020 - President Trump Looking to End Obama's Housing Policy Meant to Abolish

                     Suburbs <Recall that this was originally one of former VP Alfalfa Gore's goals.>

07-11-2020 - Biden Seeks to Abolish America's Suburban Communities

12-14-2018 - Nearly 156 People Leave Chicago Daily: Demographic Trends

07-18-2018 - Almost 70% of millennials regret buying their homes. Here's why


From the Tip of the Day page:


August 14, 2021

Recently I was consulting with some people who wanted to buy a home, but they were in a unique financial situation - new small business owners, not long history of income, no downpayment available, etc.  I gave them some names of trusted lenders and sent them on their way.  Well, they came back to me and were completely confused - information from all the lenders was conflicting - some was helpful to their situation, some was not.

I asked a very knowledgeable real estate broker friend who told me that a lot has changed in the mortgage lending world in the past several years and what it boils down to pretty much are the policies and procedures at each individual mortgage lender.  Sure, there are some standard practices that all follow, but much of it depends on the individual lender.

Bottom line:  If you want to buy a home, be sure to shop around multiple lenders to see who will not only give you the best rate, but the best terms for your mortgage.  Also, mortgage lending is constantly changing, so it is very important that you find an experienced and knowledgeable lender - I would estimate someone (and their company) who has been in the business continuously for at least 10 years and has multiple excellent ratings/reviews from their clients.

If ever in doubt, contact a real estate attorney for assistance.

Real Estate

This page was updated on August 21, 2024.