​  ​​​​The information, reports, forms, etc., on this website are all free and without any obligation whatsoever.  I provide all this as a service to my clients and the public.  However, if you would like to make a small donation to support the website and keep all the good information coming, it would be most appreciated!  I respect your privacy!  I will not spam you, ask you for additional contributions, or sell any of your contact information to anyone else!

Click here to make a donation or invoice payment.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Starting 6-23-2020, I will start transitioning stories on these subjects to this page from the Firearms News page.  Be sure to check it for older stories and other helpful, statistical articles.


This Video Should Be Seen By Every Cop in America - Sheriff Jack McLamb on the Constitution and Law Enforcement Officers, Bakersfield, CA 1994 (abbreviated video version) (abbreviated audio version)

(full video version)


Heroic, Decorated Marine Corps Vet Being Prosecuted by Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg for Defending Public Against Vicious Criminal 

Daniel Penny denies intending to choke Jordan Neely to death on NYC subway - 6/12/2023

Daniel Penny claims in interview he was intimidated by Jordan Neely threats before choking him to death on NYC subway - 6/12/2023

Daniel Penny's Legal Defense Fund


Oklahoma City police officer, Morgan Reynolds Back Home After Violent Assault - 05/05/2023


Oklahoma County sheriff's deputy, Jeremy McCain, Dies Days After Accident in Edmond - 3/20/2023

Additional story including link to GoFundMe page


Oklahoma City Police Officer, Sgt. Meagan Burke, Killed in Head-On Crash - 9/29/2022

A fund to assist Sgt. Burke's family has been set up through the OKC FOP - you can make your tax-deductible donations here or they have instructions on the website for sending checks.

Man accused of killing Oklahoma City officer in crash dies


Oklahoma County Sheriff's Deputy, Sgt. Bobby Swartz, killed in line of duty, Deputy Mark Johns fighting to survive after shooting - 8/22/2022

Bank sets up support funds for Oklahoma County deputies Bobby Swartz and Mark Johns


Edmond Police Officer, Sgt. C.J. Nelson, Killed in Multiple Vehicle Crash on 7/19/2022, UPDATE

St. Luke's United Methodist Church of Edmond Nelson Memorial Fund Donation Page


Chief Wade Gourley & the Oklahoma City Police Department Under Fire for Recent Shooting Incident - Black Lives Matter Global Foundation Calls for Chief & Involved Officers to Resign and Transfer Their Pensions to Victims' Family

Please show your support for Chief Gourley, OCPD and law, order, safety and security in our community by contacting your City Ward's Councilmember, the Mayor and the City Manager's offices:

Mayor David Holt, 405-297-2424, mayor@okc.gov

City Manager Craig Freeman, 405-297-2345, craig.freeman@okc.gov


To find your City Ward's Councilmember, go to the Ward Map, enter your address, find the ward in which you reside, then go here to get your Councilmember's contact information.


Oklahoma Laws  (If website is down, try Oklahoma Statutes here.)

Oklahoma Laws on Communism (Title 21, Chapter 52, Section 1266.1 et seq)


FINALLY!  A new, national effort to support law enforcement and hold elected officials accountable for their actions.

Heritage Action for America's "NO POLICE. NO PEACE."

To show your support for police, text POLICE to 51776


Bolster the Blue


National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

2021 Fatality Count

Officer Down Memorial Page


WATCH:  Paul Harvey's "The Policeman"




The same story as usual - another fine public servant denied his rights and a victim of unsupportive leadership and woketard tyranny.  Help support Deputy Silvester: GoFundMe

05-29-2021 - Idaho deputy who posted viral TikTok video mocking LeBron James speaks

                     out following termination

04-27-2021 - Idaho cop mocks LeBron James in TikTok video


Seattle police officer & Army Ranger veteran suspended after slamming 'tyrannical' lockdown orders in viral video  

Officer Greg Anderson on Administrative Leave After Social Media Video

Original Video  Video #1 (update)  Video #2 (rebuttal) Video #3 (#1 & #2)

His heinous crimes??  Having the audacity to speak truth to power and violating some inane HR policy by exercising his Constitutional 1st Amendment rights and giving his "leadership" a much-needed civics lesson.   Now it appears that the non-compliant and politically incorrect Officer Greg Anderson will be deprived of his career, pension, health benefits and ability to provide for his wife and 3 children.  If you think this is an outrage like tens of thousands of others do, go to this GoFundMe page and donate to his relief fund - he'll need every penny he can get to fight the vicious left-wing political machine that is hell-bent on silencing this patriot.

Also see this similar video from Deputy Michael Seney (Troy, NY PD):

Watch: Deputy Michael Seney Suspended Without Pay For a Few Weeks For Releasing Video In Uniform

​Deputy Michael Seney - Our constitutional rights will not be violated!


News/Info/Training for Law Enforcement Personnel​
American Military News

American Police Beat Magazine (subscriptions are free)
Blue News Network

Crime in America

FBI's Crime Data Explorer

​FBI’s Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) Data Collection

International Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Cyber Center

Law Enforcement Leaders

Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund
Law Enforcement Today

Law Officer

The Marshall Project:  Blue Lives Matter
National Police Association

NW3C - National White Collar Crime Center - Cyber Crime Training

PoliceActivity (YouTube videos)

PoliceState News
Police Mag
Police One (Law Enforcement News)
Police One (Police News)

Real World Police (YouTube videos)

Patriotic/Support Law Enforcement & Military:
Amazon.com - Back the Blue Yard Signs

Armed American Supply

Back the Blue Signs

Below 100

Big Jay's Back the Blue

C.O.P.S. (Concerns of Police Survivors)

Caldwell Institute
Frontlines of Freedom

GOP Store - Back the Blue Yard signs
Honor and Remember

IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police)

Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund
Law Enforcement Today    Facebook

Law Enforcement United National

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

Officer Down Memorial Page

Police Lives Matter USA
Police Officers United Facebook page

St. Michael's Shield (bullet-proof vest program)

Stanton Project (K9 Support)

Thin Blue Line Shop

Thin Blue Line USA
Top Tier Tactical in Midwest City, OK
Rustic Flag Company

Zazzle Police Outdoor Signs  (HUGE selection - be sure to click on the various blue tabs at

                                              the top for more selections)

How to Handle Police Interactions Properly



FLASHBACK: 05-15-2019 - Pres. Trump delivers remarks at 38th Annual National 

               Peace Officers' Memorial Service <Watch at 42:00 mark - would a racist

                  do this???>

FLASHBACK: 05-15-2018 - Pres. Trump delivers remarks at 37th Annual National

               Peace Officers' Memorial Service<Watch at 52:00 mark - would a racist do


FLASHBACK: 11-30-2020 - Trump's 44 uses of clemency powers seen as a bad thing

               by critics. Obama granted clemency to nearly 2,000

FLASHBACK: 07-11-2020 - Obama Commuted The Sentence of an Unrepentant                       Terrorist
FLASHBACK: 11-17-2019 - Obama Granted Clemency to Terrorists and Traitors, But

               We’re Supposed to be Angry at Trump's Pardons??
FLASHBACK: 01-20-2017 - Pew Research:  Obama used clemency power more often

               (by far) than any president since Truman

Ballotpedia's George Soros Political Activity Tracker

​List of George Soros Owned District Attorneys 4-25-2022

Complete List of Soros-Backed Attorneys UPDATED Continuously

Report:  Prosecutorial Malpractice - How Progressive Prosecutors Adversely Affect Public Safety and Felon Outcomes - Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund 

Be sure to see the Left-Wing Violence page on this website for more news stories

​Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA) - Downloadable, annual reports and other information on the impact of marijuana legalization in the state of Colorado and surrounding states
CDC Marijuana Data and Statistics

Policing for Profit - The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture, 2nd Edition - Institute for Justice

Fake Hate Crimes - Running List

Mueller Report

Horowitz IG Report

Durham Report

Cyber Crime Statistics (Updated Continuously)

Biggest Data Breaches (Updated Continuously)

Worst Data Breaches (Updated Continuously)

09-17-2024 - Illegal Alien Accused of Raping Child on Elite East Coast Island of Nantucket

09-16-2024 - Arkansas: Illegal Alien ‘Got-Away’ Accused of Killing 48-Year-Old Jennifer

                     Ann Morton

09-10-2024 - Report: High-Ranking U.S. Secret Service Official Asked to Retire in Wake of

                     Attempt on Donald Trump’s Life

09-10-2024 - Fact Check: Trump Says Kamala Harris Raised Money for 2020 Minnesota


09-10-2024 - Fact Check: Trump Claims FBI's Report of Lower Violent Crime is a 'Fraud'

09-09-2024 - Rep. Stefanik: People Have Died Because of Kamala's Role as 'Open Border


09-09-2024 - At Least 22 Shot During Weekend in Democrat Mayor Johnson's Gun-

                     Controlled Chicago

09-06-2024 - Expert: Data Indicate Violent Crime Is Not Declining, It Is Just Not Being


08-17-2024 - Numerous Violent Illegal Migrants Released By Biden-Harris Only To Be
                     Rearrested After More Crime

08-15-2024 - Secret Service Investigating Report of Agent Abandoning Trump to

                     Breastfeed Her Baby at N.C. Rally

08-12-2024 - ‘Worse Than President Biden’: Border Patrol Agents Don’t Like Kamala


08-12-2024 - Secret Service Apologize After Breaking Into Salon During Kamala Harris


07-26-2024 - Former Senior Chicago Cop Reminds Voters Kamala Harris Backed Jussie

                     Smollett's Hate Crime Hoax

07-26-2024 - CNN Highlights “Defund the Police” Comments by Kamala Harris

07-11-2024 - Fact Check: Biden Claims ‘More Childen Are Killed by a Bullet Than Any

                     Other Cause of Death’

06-24-2024 - Fact Check: Biden, Democrats Claim Crime Is Down Based on FBI Report

                     Lacking Data from Thousands of Police Precincts

06-10-2024 - America keeps watching gruesome crimes committed by illegal migrants.

                        Ban sanctuary laws

05-27-2024 - Nothing to see here: Left is silent when illegal migrants commit violent


04-24-2024 - Illegal Migrants Commit Egregious Crimes That 'Should Have Been


04-17-2024 - Why Oregon’s Drug Decriminalization Failed

04-11-2024 - Fact Check: Brady Campaign Falsely Claims Guns 'Are Rarely Used

                        Successfully in Self-Defense'

02-29-2024 - The Overthrow Of America Is Nearly Complete As Americans Are Being

                        Murdered By Illegal Immigrants Invited In By Treasonous Politicians Hoping

                        To Buy Another Vote & Steal Another Election 

                     - Murder Rates In South American Country Plummets Since Biden Opened


02-06-2024 - Chicagoland criminals expanding enterprises by training migrants for

                        suburban crime sprees: expert

02-05-2024 - CNN Host Is Stunned Into Silence After Former NYPD Cop Tells Her Migrants

                        Commit More Crimes in NYC Than Florida

02-03-2024 - Moment CNN host is stunned into silence after former NYPD cop tells her

                        migrants commit more crimes in NYC than Florida because Sunshine State

                        will jail them

01-31-2024 - Biden Admin-Released Migrant Crime Wave Sweeping Sanctuary Cities

01-07-2024 - A Wave of Migrant Crime Engulfing America

12-26-2023 - Biden poised to loosen restrictions on marijuana, but some say it’s not

                     enough <See stories in green on the Health-Medical page for more on this topic.>

12-14-2023 - Fact Check - Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY): Gun Violence the No. 1 Killer of


11-21-2023 - Liberal 'dark money' groups gave millions to SCOTUS watchdogs targeting

                     Alito, Thomas, docs show

11-12-2023 - Pro-Terror Teenagers Admit They Learned to Hate Israel on China's TikTok,

                     Zuckerberg's Instagram

09-30-2023 - Sweden Calls in Military to Fight Migrant Crime Gangs

09-24-2023 - Report: Migrants Committed Almost 70% of Violent Crimes in France Last


09-07-2023 - 11 Percent Tax on Guns, Ammo, Passes in California Senate <And it won't do a

                damn thing to stem the crime wave because gutless prosecutors won't put criminals in

                jail and criminals don't care about laws, especially glaringly stupid laws.>

09-04-2023 - Survey: Washington D.C. Ranked Least Desirable Place to Live <No denying it -

                decades of liberal Democrat rule have turned D.C. into a serious S-H!>

08-30-2023 - Democrat-Run Cities See Explosion of Hate Crimes

08-28-2023 - San Francisco Nordstrom closes after nearly three decades in business amid

                     rise in crime

08-28-2023 - San Francisco Restaurant Bans Armed Police to Keep Patrons 'Safer'​​

​​08-28-2023 - From Washington to California.... massive "violent incidents" spread

                     involving "large groups of juveniles"

08-27-2023 - San Francisco restaurant bans armed officers, police union

                     responds <Newsflash to the restaurant owner:  Criminals don't care about your

                stupid little "no guns allowed" door signs and now you've just told all of them that

                there will never be any guns or police in your store, so you are completely defenseless

                and ripe for the pickin',....dumbass!>

08-25-2023 - Former ICE Official: Illegal Alien Accused of Abducting, Raping Missing Teen

08-25-2023 - San Francisco Police Union Furious as Bakery Refuses Cop Service Because

                        of gun

08-24-2023 - Mass Looting Flash Mobs Spread in Southern California, Beyond L.A.

​08-23-2023 - Democrat-Run NYC Loses $1 Trillion as Wall Street Firms Flee

08-22-2023 - Border Patrol admits it’s responsible for open floodgates in Arizona border


08-22-2023 - San Francisco hit with ‘tidal wave’ of fentanyl overdose deaths as city on

                     track to set grim record

08-21-2023 - Nearly 40 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Brandon Johnson's Democrat-Run,

                     Gun-Controlled Chicago

08-21-2023 - Recovering drug addict blames Democrat-run Philly leaders for

                     'encouraging' criminals to 'break all the rules' they want

08-20-2023 - Gunbattle Leaves 1 Dead, 8 Injured at Block Party in Democrat-Run, Gun-

                     Controlled Philly

08-20-2023 - 3 Shot, Killed in Hookah Lounge in Democrat-Run, Gun-Controlled

                        Washington State

08-20-2023 - Multiple Kosher Restaurants Vandalized, Burglarized over Jewish Sabbath in


08-19-2023 - PHOTOS – ‘Biden’s America’: NYC Addicts Seen with Needles Hanging from


08-19-2023 - ICE agents still arresting violent criminals with open warrants, sex offenders

                     and murderers

​​08-17-2023 - Democrat-Run Washington, DC, Sees 27% Surge in Homicides Year-to-Date

08-14-2023 - Border agents seize enough lethal drugs this fiscal year to kill more than 6

                        BILLION people

​​08-10-2023 - VIDEO:  Democrat cities overrun by crime especially in Black communities -


08-10-2023 - Oklahoma civil rights groups demand federal probe after dismissal of

                     charges against police officers in deadly shootings

08-03-2023 - Sanctuary County Prince George's County, Maryland, Freed Illegal Alien

                     Child Rapist from Prison… Sexually Assaulted Another Woman After Release

08-03-2023 - Dem NYC Councilman: Mayorkas Is 'Lying' and the Border Is Open

08-02-2023 - Arrests of noncitizens with criminal convictions at border at record highs

08-01-2023 - Chicago PD Finally Make Large Number of Arrests in Teen Mass

                     Rampage <FINALLY!  Good for them!!  Unfortunately, the worthless DA, Kim Fox, will

                probably drop charges on all of them.>

07-30-2023 - Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker Signs Law Allowing DACA Illegals to Police


​07-30-2023 - VIDEO:  Are cops murdering "unarmed black men"? The TRUE numbers tell a

                        VERY different story

07-29-2023 - 5 Shot Outside Safeway in Gun-Controlled Washington State

07-29-2023 - Violent crime is rising in the nation's capital. DC seeks solutions as

                     Congress keeps close watch

07-29-2023 - DHS Secretary Mayorkas Is Touting Border Encounters Several Times what

                     Obama Admin. Considered a Crisis

​​07-29-2023 - Oakland NAACP: People Are Afraid to Walk to Mailboxes Due to Crime

                     Spawned by Defunding Police, Lax Prosecution <Well, imagine that!  You

                geniuses might want to re-think the party you keep voting for if you don't want this

                crap to continue!>

07-28-2023 - Charges dropped against 7 Oklahoma police officers in 3 separate fatal


07-24-2023 - Carjackings Up 126 Percent in Mayor Brandon Johnson's (D) Chicago

07-23-2023 - Mayor Johnson’s (D) Gun-Controlled Chicago: Nearly 30 Shot Friday into

                     Mid-Afternoon Sunday

07-23-2023 - Radical Squad Member, Rep. Cori Bush (D-M)) Keeps Calling to Defund

                        Police but Keeps Paying Her Husband for 'Security Services' <Security for me,

                but not for thee,.....you peasants!!!>

07-21-2023 - Democrat-Run New York City to Pay $13M taxpayer-dollars to 1,380

                     George Floyd Rioters <Well, if that isn't the most back-asswards decisions I've ever

                seen, but hey, we're talking about liberals here.>

07-20-2023 - Illegal Alien, Wanted by Interpol for Murder in El Salvador, Captured Years

                     After Obama’s DHS Freed Him into U.S.

07-20-2023 - PHOTO: Walgreens Puts Chains on Freezers in San Francisco Pharmacy

07-18-2023 - Safeway Adds More Anti-Theft Gates at Several San Francisco Stores

07-18-2023 - Illinois Supreme Court Ends Cash Bail in Middle of Crime Wave

07-17-2023 - VIDEO:  Marijuana, Psychosis and Mental Illness

07-16-2023 - St. Louis 'Gun Control Mayor' Tishaura Jones (D) Privately Admitted Gun

                     Control Doesn't Work

​07-13-2023 - Secret Service Reveals Marijuana Twice Found in Biden's White House 

07-08-2023 - A Third of Seattle Residents Are Considering Leaving Democrat-Run, Gun-

                        Controlled City, Citing Crime, Costs

07-04-2023 - Forbes Uses Misleading Data from Gun Violence Archivee, Claims Over 330

                     'Mass Shootings' in 2023

06-30-2023 - MI House Passes Bill Making it a HATE CRIME Punishable of Up to $10,000

                     Fine and Imprisonment For Using Wrong Pronouns

06-29-2023 - Scot Peterson, Deputy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland,

                        FL School Shooting, Found Not Guilty

06-18-2023 - Violence spirals out of control, sending dozens to the hospital over

                     Junteenth weekend

06-18-2023 - Juneteenth holiday horror: Five dead and dozens injured as violence erupts
                        across the nation

06-16-2023 - CA Gov. Newsom (D): Businesses Leaving S.F. Due to Economic Shifts,

                        COVID and Lots of Places Have Issues, But I Did Have to Send in the

                        National Guard

06-14-2023 - VIDEO:  Why California Retailers Are Forced To Lock Up Items

06-01-2023 - Biden Open Border Horror MS-13 Gang Members, Released into U.S. by

                     Feds, Among Illegal Aliens Charged with 15-Year-Old Boy’s Murder

05-31-2023 - ATF: Illegal for Marijuana Users to Possess Guns Regardless of State Law

05-30-2023 - DHS: Targets of Potential Violence in Coming Months Include Churches,


05-28-2023 - Old Navy to Close Another Downtown San Francisco Location, Joining Retail


05-26-2023 - Marijuana use linked to mental health risks in young adults

05-26-2023 - ‘Unstoppable tide’: NYC high schools are in complete disarray over rampant

                     marijuana use

05-25-2023 - Joe’s Jail Break - Biden’s DHS Frees 2.3K Illegal Alien Convicted Criminals

                     into U.S. in Five Months

05-23-2023 - Angel Mom Tells Congress: My Daughter Is Dead Due to Open Borders

05-23-2023 - RAND Study Finds Support for Extremism Lower Among Vets Despite

                     Democrat Narrative

05-21-2023 - 21 Shot Friday into Sunday Morning Across Mayor Brandon Johnson's


07-21-2023 - Democrat-Run New York City to Pay $13M taxpayer-dollars to 1,380 George

                     Floyd Rioters <Well, if that isn't the most back-asswards decisions I've ever seen, but

               hey, we're talking about liberals here.>

05-18-2023 - VOTERS’ REMORSE: Blue state survey shows majority want to re-criminalize

                     drugs: 'We made an enormous mistake'

05-18-2023 - Majority of voters in progressive Oregon regret decriminalizing drugs:

                     survey<Ha!  I'm shocked!>

05-18-2023 - American Workers Testing Positive for Marijuana Reaches 25-Year Record

05-15-2023 - Arkansas State Police make 610 arrests this weekend after new safety

                     initiative introduced

05-15-2023 - Man in custody after baseball bat attack hurts 2, including intern, at

                        congressman’s Virginia office <So, where are all the liberals howling for "common

                sense baseball bat control??">

05-15-2023 - Durham report slams FBI’s Trump-Russia probe (Crossfire Hurricane)

                      FULL Durham Report here.

05-13-2023 - Dave Chappelle Rips Democrat-Controlled San Francisco in Standup Set:

                     'Y'all N*ggas Need a Batman!'

05-08-2023 - Driver with previous criminal history in fatal crash outside Texas migrant

                     shelter charged with 8 counts of manslaughter, police say <So, where are all

                the liberals howling for "common sense automobile control??">

05-04-2023 - Uber-Liberal SCOTUS Justice Sonia Sotomayor Took $3M from Book

                     Publisher, but Didn't Recuse Herself from Its Cases

​05-04-2023 - Anti-Gun Democrat-Run Cities With ‘Progressive’ Prosecutors Have the

                        Highest Homicide Rates

05-02-2023 - Biden to Make Sure Criminals in Jail Vote for Him

05-02-2023 - The Chinese Communist Party Takes Up Residence in America

04-28-2023 - Guns Aren’t Causing America’s Violent Crime Problem, Single Mothers and

                     Boys Without Fathers Are

​04-28-2023 - Unarmed "Security Ambassadors” Who Replaced Police Officers in Dem-Run

                        City Stand By and Watch While Violent Confrontation Happens Directly In

                        Front of Them [VIDEO]

04-27-2023 - We Need to Call Out the Gun Control Liars When They Lie About the Efficacy

                      of Gun Control

04-26-2023 - Chicago: Kim Foxx, Woke Soros-Backed Prosecutor Who Bungled Jussie

                     Smollett Case, Won't Seek Re-Election

04-26-2023 - Report: No Attacks Have Occurred in Schools Where Teachers Are Armed for

                     Classroom Defense

04-24-2023 - Tourist Town Faces A Huge Uptick In Violent Crime After Embracing Woke


04-24-2023 - Murder Zones - The telling crime statistics gun-control proponents

                        desperately don’t want to acknowledge.

04-21-2023 - Report Indicates Growing Hostility Against US Churches

04-17-2023 - Watch: House Hearing on ‘Victims of Violent Crime in Manhattan’ DA Bragg

                      Hammered over Soft-on-Crime Policies

04-16-2023 - How New York's legal weed (marijuana) is turning workers into stoned


04-14-2023 - San Francisco D.A.: We Still Have 'out of Control' Drug Dealing, 'Rampant'

                     Retail Theft, and 'Repeated Violent Attacks' on Asians

04-11-2023  Louisville, Kentucky's Democrat Mayor Makes Support for Gun Control

                    Litmus Test for Supporting Police

04-10-2023 - There have been no shooting attacks in schools where teachers can legally

                     carry guns

04-07-2023 - 'Enough Is Enough:' Charlie Kirk Blasts Universities that Let Violent Leftists

                     Run Amok

04-05-2023 - Study: Over 72% of NYC Violent Crime Suspects Freed Without Bail Go On to

                     Commit More Crimes

03-31-2023 - For Left, Political Ends Justify Violent Means

03-29-2023 - Biden-Appointed U.S. District Attorney Refused to Prosecute 67% of Those

                     Arrested in Nation’s Capital

03-29-2023 - Report: U.S. Marshals Were Told Not to Arrest Protesters Outside Supreme

                     Court Justices’ Homes

03-29-2023 - Surveillance Footage Shows Nashville Shooter Used a Carbine Which Fires

                     Pistol Rounds, Not an AR-15

03-28-2022 - As violent crime soared in Chicago in 2020 and 2021, Mayor Lori Lightfoot

                     assigned around 85 police officers to provide security for her, her home,

                     and her family

03-28-2023 - UPDATED: How mass killers pick out venues where their victims are sitting


03-24-2022 - In the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: ‘Constitutional’ gun carry helps law-

                     abiding people defend themselves

03-20-2023 - Sheriff: Criminals Will Ignore New Gun Controls as They Do the Old

03-15-2023 - Between Red and Blue States, the Divide Drags on

03-14-2023 - The 15 Most Dangerous Cities in the USA in 2023

03-14-2023 - Left-Wing Activists Smash Windows, Arrested at UC Davis Charlie Kirk Event

                     Violence Comes After Chancellor Prompted Students to ‘Neutralize and

                     Negate’ TPUSA

03-11-2023 - Border county has 377% surge in human smuggling, 610% increase in

                     fentanyl under Biden​

03-11-2023 - Report: NYPD Officers Stepping Down in 2023 at Record-Breaking Pace amid

                        Crime Wave

03-10-2023 - The Price of Eliminating Consequences

​03-10-2023 - Jane Fonda Quips She 'Thought of Murder' to Fight for Abortion Rights

03-07-2023 - SPLC Defends Attorney Arrested for Alleged Domestic Terrorism

03-06-2023 - Democrat-Run Atlanta’s ‘Cop City’ Hit with Antifa Terrorist Attack

03-06-2023 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Attorney Charged with Domestic

                     Terrorism for Allegedly Rioting with Antifa

03-05-2023 - Report: Austin Police Officers Quit in Droves, Texas City ‘Hostile Place’ for


03-03-2023 - BREAKING: General Flynn Fights Back Sues U.S. Government for $50 Million

                     Over FBI Entrapment

03-02-2023 - Chicago's top cop resigns a day after Lori Lightfoot lost her reelection bid

                     as crime spiraled in the Windy City under their watch: Mayoral contender

                     blasts him for 'failing to make our city safer'

03-02-2023 - Jussie Smollett files appeal of conviction and calls for new trial for staging a

                     hate crime on himself - as Fox Nation is set to release five-part

                     documentary on the hoax

03-02-2023 - Crime Pays: NYC Agrees To Shell Out Millions to BLM Protesters - Settlement

                     payment comes as left-wing city council pushes to defund NYPD

03-01-2023 - 'Crime doesn't pay': Republicans slam Lori Lightfoot's reign as Chicago

                      mayor as 'a city drenched in blood from violent crime' - as she becomes

                      first incumbent to lose reelection in the Windy City in FOUR DECADES

03-01-2023 - 'We're a Target for Criminals': Atlanta Buckhead Neighborhood Pushes To

                     Secede From City Over Rampant Crime

02-17-2023 - Oregon, a hotbed of extremism, seeks to curb paramilitaries

02-14-2023 - Michigan State Shooter Had Prior Felony Gun Charge Dismissed By

                     Progressive Prosecutor

02-08-2023 - UPDATED: Compiling Cases where concealed handgun permit holders have

                        stopped likely mass public shootings

02-07-2023 - Gun Ban For Marijuana Users Is Unconstitutional, U.S. Judge Rules

02-07-2023 - Fact Check: Biden Claims Mass Shootings Tripled After 'Assault Weapons'

                     Ban Ended

02-03-2023 - NYC crime jumped in January —reversing promising trend that closed out


02-02-2023 - A Tale of Two Studies: The Real Effect of Constitutional Carry on Violent


01-25-2023 - How George Soros funds ‘fact checkers’ to silence dissent

01-24-2023 - FACT CHECK: WH Press Sec. Falsely Claims ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Reduced

                     Mass Shootings

01-24-2023 - With Joe Biden, George Soros finally had a president he could control

01-23-2023 - Report: Soros Spends over $40M Getting DAs Elected Across U.S.

01-23-2023 - How George Soros co-opts the media and keeps criticism down

01-22-2023 - George Soros spent $40M getting lefty district attorneys, officials elected all

                        over the country

01-19-2023 - Justice ‘reforms’ forcing prosecutors to toss out 69% of NYC criminal cases,

                     alarming new study finds

01-05-2023 - Illinois Gov. Pritzker Vows to 'Fight' for Stalled Bail Abolishment Law Set to

                     Free Violent Crime Suspects from Jail

12-29-2022 - WORST OF 2022: Cursing the Conservative Court Award

12-14-2022 - There Are Things We Can Do to Prevent Mass Shootings and Make Them

                     Less Deadly

11-28-2022 - At Least 28 Shot Thanksgiving Weekend in Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

11-26-2022 - These Soros-supported prosecutors promised us ‘reform’ but delivered

                     chaos instead

12-22-2022 - Dying for your high: The untold exploitation and misery in America's weed

                        (marijuana) industry

11-18-2022 - Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership Study Finds No Association

                     Between Increased Legal Firearm Sales and Crime Rates

11-16-2022 - Target Hit By A ‘Dramatic Rise’ In Theft So Big It’s Taking A Bite Out Of


11-16-2022 - Target: 'Organized retail crime' has driven $400 million in extra profit loss

                        this year

11-16-2022 - Target blames ‘organized retail crime’ for $400M loss in profits this year

11-04-2022 - NYC’s Subway Police Surge Fails to Dent Transit Crime

11-04-2022 - GOP Seizes On Bail Reform as Weapon to Bash Democrats on Crime

11-04-2022 - Are Republicans Right About America’s Crime Wave? Let’s Look at the Data

11-03-2022 - Follow the Science: Analysis of State, National Data Shows More Civilian Gun

                     Ownership is Not Linked to Increased Violent Crime

10-30-2022 - 'People are in Unbelievable Denial': Marijuana Creating Psychosis Episodes,

                     Sends up to 37 People to ER a Day in San Diego

10-26-2022 - How many missing persons are found in the U.S. yearly?

10-22-2022 - Boeing Max Crash Passengers’ Families Ruled Crime Victims

10-18-2022 - Study: Marijuana Use at Record Levels for Young Adults

10-10-2022 - New York City, Los Angeles Among Major U.S. Cities that Failed to Disclose

                        Rise in Violent Crime for 2021

10-08-2022 - New research on the massive errors in the FBI's active shooting reports,

                     Evidence that the strongest supporters of gun control are the least well-

                     informed, huge increase in number of armed civilians stopping attacks, the

                     dangers of gun-free zones, and much more

10-05-2022 - Murder Rate Mystery: New FBI Crime Stats Don’t Include NYC, LA

10-04-2022 - CDC Data Shows Constitutional Carry States Have Fewer Total and Gun-

                        Related Homicides

10-04-2022 - Four Leftist, Soros-Backed DAs the Media Are Hiding From You

10-02-2022 - California Decriminalizes Jaywalking Due to Alleged Racial Bias

09-30-2022 - Biden Hate Campaign Pays Off with Wave of Violence Against Republicans

09-30-2022 - Soros-Backed Candidate for Maricopa County D.A. Wants to Prevent

                        Deportation of Criminal Illegal Immigrants

09-19-2022 - Whistleblower Alleges FBI Schemed to Distort January 6 Cases into

                     Nationwide ‘Domestic Violent Extremism’ Epidemic

09-18-2022 - What’s Dangerous Is America’s Lack of Crime Data

09-18-2022 - Venezuela Empties Prisons, Sends Violent Criminals to U.S. Border, Says

                     DHS Report

09-06-2022 - ‘Truly a Poison’: Texas Sheriff Describes Fentanyl as a ‘Weapon of Mass


08-31-2022 - UNREAL! Biden Picks Associate Of Lois Lerner (Tea Party Targeting Scandal

                        Under the Obama Admin) To Head New Expansion Of IRS

08-29-2022 - 35 Shot, 8 Killed, During Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

08-28-2022 - Smoking weed is now more popular than smoking tobacco   Video here.

07-26-2022 - Smoking Cigarettes Compared to Marijuana

​07-26-2022 - Potent Weed Linked to More Marijuana Addiction Worldwide: Lancet Study

                     on WebMD

07-25-2022 - Highly potent weed creating marijuana addicts worldwide, study says

07-25-2022 - Over 60 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

07-24-2022 - Summer of Rage, Part I: 100+ Attacks Since Dobbs Leak Militant Pro-

                        Abortion Radicals Flourish in Madison, Wisconsin Violence ‘Meme’d’ on


​07-23-2022 - A plurality of Americans believe that armed citizens are the best way to

                        protect you and your family in the case of a mass shooting

07-22-2022 - DOJ official named in FBI politicization allegations played role in Lois Lerner

                     IRS (Obama Admin) scandal <We told you so!!!!>

07-21-2022 - Senator Chuck U. Schumer's (D-NY) legal weed bill is finally here

07-18-2022 - 21 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

​07-13-2022 - The cannabidiol and marijuana research expansion act: Promotion of

                         scientific knowledge to prevent a national health crisis - The Lancet

                         Regional Health – Americas

07-13-2022 - Soros-funded Los Angeles DA Gascón (D) to disband unit that notifies

                     victims of their assailant's parole hearings

07-11-2022 - UPDATED: Compiling 60+ Cases where concealed handgun permit holders

                     have stopped likely mass public shootings

07-10-2022 - SUV-Hating Tyre Extinguishers Group Is Out to Deflate Your Tires

07-05-2022 - Highland Park Chicago Shooting Suspect Possessed FOID Card, Allowing

                        Him to Legally Buy Guns in Illinois

07-05-2022 - At Least 71 Shot July 4th Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

07-05-2022 - Law Enforcement Seized Knives, Sword from Highland Park Chicago

                     Shooting Suspect Three Years Before Rampage 

07-05-2022 - At least 13 people shot across NYC during bloody stretch on Independence


07-05-2022 - Biden to allow some migrants with terrorist ties into country, raising

                     security concerns

​07-04-2022 - Recreational marijuana use linked to increased chance of ER,

                        hospitalization, study finds

07-04-2022 - Highland Park (Chicago) Attack Occurred Despite Red Flag Law, Other

                     Stringent Gun Controls

07-04-2022 - Highland Park (Chicago) Attack Occurred Despite Stringent Gun Controls

07-03-2022 - 31 Shot Friday into Sunday Morning in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

06-27-2022 - 25 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago

06-26-2022 - 10 Pro-Abortion Protesters Arrested in Portland for ‘Night of Rage’ Violence

06-23-2022 - Federal Court Orders Release of Testimony of Former Obama Era IRS

                        Officials Lois Lerner and Holly Paz - Obama IRS Targeted Conservative

                        Groups Prior to the 2012 Presidential Election

06-23-2022 - Psychosis, Addiction, Chronic Vomiting: As Weed (marijuana) Becomes More

                     Potent, Teens Are Getting Sick

06-22-2022 - Six Major Cities to Surpass 2021 Totals of Violent Crime Halfway

                     through 2022 <And yes, they are all Democrat-controlled cities, of course.>

06-22-2022 - Report: Violent Crime in 6 Dem-Run Cities on Track to Eclipse 2021's


06-20-2022 - At Least 47 Shot During Father's Day Weekend in Mayor Lori

                        Lightfoot's Chicago

06-17-2022 - ‘Very Catholic’ Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Condemn Recent Spate of Violent

                     Attacks Against Pro-Lifers

06-16-2022 - Court Records: Man Who Killed California Police Officers Was on Probation

06-09-2022 - 7 Recent Acts of Leftist Extremism Violence Targeted at Political Foes

06-06-2022 - There Were 16 People Shot, One Fatally, In Chicago This Weekend and None

                        of the Gun Control Virtue-Signaling Democrats Give a Dang

06-06-2022 - 28 Shot Over Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

06-05-2022 - California: No. 1 in Gun Control, No. 1 in 'Active Shooter Incidents'

05-31-2022 - 46 Shot During Memorial Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

05-25-2022 - Democrat-Run D.C. Residents Report That "Violence Has Gotten Out of

                     Control"... "It doesn't feel like the city government is doing anything to help

                     us" [VIDEO]

05-19-2022 - Fentanyl Tainted Pills Bought on Social Media Cause Youth Drug Deaths to


05-09-2022 - Reporter Calls for Violence Against Pro-Life Groups

05-09-2022 - Record Number Of Police Murders-Half Did Not Engage Their

              Assailants   DOJ/FBI Infographic  alternate link

05-07-2022 - FBI Massively Understates Shooting Statistics: Analysis Show Armed

                     Americans Stop About Half of Active Killer Attacks

05-04-2022 - The Big Apple continues to rot! Major crimes in NYC surged by 34.2% last

                     month with soaring numbers of robberies and assaults: Cops say shootings

                     are down almost 30% - but they're still DOUBLE pre-pandemic levels

04-28-2022 - 'That's compassion?' Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) holds up posters of dead

                     migrants while confronting DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about Biden's

                     immigration crisis and fentanyl deaths caused by smuggled drugs

04-12-2022 - Guardian Angels founder warns New York City is heading back to crime-

                     ridden days of the 1980s amid surging violence

03-29-2022 - Baltimore reaches $3.5 million settlement with business owners over

                     damages from Freddie Gray unrest

03-14-2022 - Violent Crime Forces Amazon to Flee Democrat-Run Downtown Seattle

03-04-2022 - Illegal Alien Gets 25 Years in Prison for Sexually Abusing 10-Year-Old Girl

03-03-2022 - Carjackings in Democrat-Controlled NYC Up Nearly 300 Percent

03-02-2022 - Sorostan: The 37 Million Americans Under Soros-Funded District


03-02-2022 - WINNING! Judge Rules NY Attorney General Cannot Dissolve the NRA

02-27-2022 - 'The streets of our Democrat-run cities are drenched in BLOOD': Trump hits

                     out at woke DA's policies that have been blamed for soaring violent crime

02-26-2022 - Mexican Actor: Biden, Harris Caused Border Security Crisis

02-23-2022 - Soros-Linked 'Abolish ICE' Groups Behind Democrat Agenda to Stop

              Tracking Illegal Aliens in U.S.

02-22-2022 - Atlanta Crime: Homicides Spike 43 Percent, Rapes 236 Percent

02-22-2022 - Colorado Drug Overdoses Spike After Democrats Decriminalize Fentanyl

02-19-2022  - "Make no mistake - there is a war on cops right now in America"

02-18-2022 - Biden's DHS Frees 62,500 Border Crossers into U.S. in a Single Month

02-14-2022 - Biden to Crack Down on Arrests of Illegal Aliens in American Communities

02-12-2022 - Are historic declines in Democrats holding violent criminals accountable

                     connected to rising violence?

02-11-2022 - L.A. School Police: Violent Crimes Against Children Are Increasing

02-07-2022 - VIDEO:  Feds OVERTLY Protect BLM Rioters, January 6th Prisoners Are


02-07-2022 - In Biden’s First Year In Office, More Cops Were Intentionally Killed Than Any

                     Year Since 1995: Report

02-07-2022 - Two White Students Were Named And Blamed For Racist Messages. A Black

                     Student Was Just Charged. <Here we go again, Jussie!>

02-05-2022 - Can the Border Patrol survive Joe Biden?

02-05-2022 - Susan Sarandon apologizes for mocking NYPD officers lined up for funeral,

                     but it’s too little, too late

02-05-2022 - Kenosha, WI District Attorney Releases Photos of BLM-Antifa Looters from

                     2020 Riots that Destroyed the City

02-03-2022 - Susan Sarandon blasted for hitting cops as they mourn: ‘Even some

                     Democrats were appalled’

02-03-2022 - ‘Have Respect You Irrelevant Washed Up Actress’: Susan Sarandon Torched

                         For Mocking Massive NYPD Funeral

02-03-2022 - Actress Susan Sarandon Under Fire for Comparing Fallen Police Officer's

                     Funeral to 'Fascism' <She's such a disgrace!  Where's all that liberal love and

                tolerance?  I'll bet she's got plenty of private security, too!>

02-01-2022 - After “The Squad” Pushes Defund the Police, Report Shows They Spent

                     $325K On Private Security in 2021 <Well, well - hypocrisy much, Squadlets?>

02-01-2022 - Biden Helps Illegal Alien, Accused of Killing Black Teen Girl, Evade


01-31-2022 - Poll: Majority of Americans oppose choosing Supreme Court Justices by race

                        and gender

01-29-2022 - Rapper and ‘gang member’, 16, Out on Probation from a Previous Armed

                     Robbery & Weapons Conviction, Now charged with shooting NYPD cop last

                     week, walks FREE on bail

01-27-2022 - 8 Cities That Help Explain National (Soros-Funded) Crime Wave

​01-27-2022 - Watch: Biden Flying Illegal Aliens to U.S. Suburbs in 'Down Low' Operation

01-24-2022 - George Soros’ DAs: Billionaire’s cash helped elect two dozen district

                attorneys across the U.S.

01-20-2022 - The Soros Dozen: List of Big City Prosecutors Backed by Communist

                        Billionaire Financier George Soros

01-19-2022 - Two dozen progressive prosecutors linked to George Soros money,

              report finds

01-18-2022 - Living Room Pundit’s Guide to Soros District Attorneys

01-17-2022 - Union Pacific Bashes LA's Social Justice Reform, Threatens To Leave City

                     Amid Soaring Train Thefts

01-16-2022 - Glenn Greenwald Exposes Deep State Effort To Stop Trump Pardoning

                     Edward Snowden And Julian Assange

01-15-2022 - Virginia's New AG Fires Civil Rights Division, Will Start Prosecuting Cases

                        Dropped By 'Social Justice' DAs <Welcome back to sanity, VA!!>

01-12-2022 - AP Report: ACLU's Demand for $450,000 Payouts to Migrants Entices

                     More Crime

12-29-2021 - New York’s “bail reform” leads to spate of violent crimes by repeat

                     offenders in NYC

12-22-2021 -  Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA) Carjacked at Gunpoint in Democrat-Run,

                      Gun-Controlled Philadelphia<What??!! How can this be??!! You mean to tell me

                 that some person (not criminal) ignored the gun laws,....in a Democrat-run

                 city??? I'm shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED!!!  Obviously, that person needed her car

                 more than she did.  Any decent Democrat would've just handed over the keys to that

                 needy person so they wouldn't have had to use an eeeevil gun!!> 

12-21-2021 - Biden Allows Thousands of Convicts to Evade Prison After Pandemic

12-16-2021 - How George Soros funded progressive ‘legal arsonist’ DAs behind US

                crime surge

12-15-2021 - Cities Will Set Murder Records Because of 'Soros Effect'

12-01-2021 - George Soros has blood on his hands for the rise in killings nationwide

11-30-2021 - Gingrich on Crime Uptick: Media Will Do All It Can to 'Not Communicate

                     How Bad It Really Is'

11-29-2021 - Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax Goes to Trial Years After Soros-Backed D.A.

                     Kim Foxx Dropped Charges

11-25-2021 - Democrats Have a Waukesha Problem - The massacre at a Christmas parade

                     reveals the dangers of their crime policies

11-25-2021 - Rittenhouse, smeared by media as “murderer”, worked as a janitor and a fry

                     cook to help support his mom and sisters

11-24-2021 - White House Emphatically Distances Joe Biden from Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-

                     MI) Proposal to End Federal Prisons

11-24-2021 - Rittenhouse Case Illustrates Liberal Hypocrisy

11-21-2021 - Criminal Records Rittenhouse Victims:  What Were They?  (More here

                     under 11-20-2021)

11-21-2021 - Rittenhouse 2.0: Threats Of New Litigation Fly In Aftermath Of Verdict

11-21-2021 - Can Biden be sued for calling Kyle Rittenhouse a “white supremacist?”

                     History tells us “absolutely.”

11-20-2021 - Why We Must Arrest Drug Addicts

11-20-2021 - Florida man who claimed self-defense and was acquitted of all murder

                     charges draws comparisons to Kyle Rittenhouse

11-20-2021 - It’s far from over: Denver attorney who represents criminal shot while

                        pointing gun at Rittenhouse files civil lawsuit

11-20-2021 - ‘Jump Kick Man’ who kicked Rittenhouse during Kenosha violence suddenly

                         identified – and he’s convicted felon

11-20-2021 - InfoGraphic:  Rittenhouse's Attackers' Criminal Backgrounds

11-19-2021 - Kyle Rittenhouse, Both Right And Righteous

11-19-2021 - 6 details the Kyle Rittenhouse jury didn't consider when it deliberated the

                        teenager's fate

11-19-2021 - Kamala Harris Dodges Reaction to Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict after

                     condemning vigilantes during 2020 campaign

11-19-2021 - FLASHBACK: 08-31-2020 - Meet The Rioting Criminals Kamala Harris Helped

                        Bail Out Of Jail

11-19-2021 - FLASHBACK:  08-11-2020 - Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) Urged Supporters to

                        Donate to Group Pushing Defunding Police

11-19-2021 - Leftist Meltdown Over Rittenhouse Not Guilty Verdict

11-19-2021 - How the Leftist Media Is Whitewashing the Rittenhouse Verdict…Literally

11-19-2021 - Do You See the HUGE Lie in This Top Democrat's Statement About the Kyle

                     Rittenhouse Verdict?

11-19-2021 - In a New Statement Biden Smears Kyle Rittenhouse, Again

11-19-2021 - Do You See the HUGE Lie in This Top Democrat's Statement About the Kyle

                        Rittenhouse Verdict?

11-19-2021 - Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict: A Victory Against Mob Justice

11-19-2021 - Kyle Rittenhouse Not Guilty on All Counts

11-19-2021 - Rittenhouse Deserves a Freaking Medal

11-18-2021 - The Rittenhouse Verdict: Media's "Social Justice" Delusions Versus Actual

                         Justice Backed By Facts

11-18-2021 - Kyle Rittenhouse trial shows how far off the rails media, leftists have gone

11-17-2021 - ​The Rittenhouse Case Proves The Establishment Wants To Bring Back Star

                     Chamber Tyranny

11-17-2021 - 10 Heinous Lies About Kyle Rittenhouse, Debunked

​​11-17-2020 - Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz says it’s CNN and the New Yorker

                     acting as vigilantes, not Rittenhouse

11-16-2021 - Kyle Rittenhouse, Project Veritas, And The Inability To Think In Terms Of


11-16-2021 - Prosecution Of Project Veritas Sounds Warning About Two-Tier Justice & Big-

                        State Corruption​

11-12-2021 - Inside the Rise - and Surprising Crackdown - of the Country’s Hottest

               Weed Market in Oklahoma

11-12-2021 - ‘That’s silly’: NYC mayor-elect responds after Black rights activist threatens

                     ‘riots’ and ‘bloodshed’

11-12-2021 - Illegal Alien Arrested for Violent Carjackings, Shooting 16-Year-Old Boy

​11-11-2021 - Illegal Alien, Who Murdered Four Americans, Avoids Death Penalty

11-11-2021 - Soros-backed L.A. D.A. George Gascón to Release Murderer 6 Years into 50-

                        year Sentence

11-10-2021 - Black Lives Matter activists threaten ‘riots’ if Mayor-elect Eric Adams

                     reinstates controversial NYPD anti-crime units

11-10-2021 - MSNBC's Ghoulish Joy Reid, Guest Dismiss Rittenhouse Tears, Call Him

                        'White Privilege on Steroids'

11-03-2021 - Revealed: Cop who exchanged gunfire with 4-time ex-con during chase was

                     forced to resign by Chief Acevedo <How did this goofball EVER rise to the rank of


11-03-2021 - Report: Tourists “afraid” to visit Portland due to Antifa’s presence and

                        continued violence <Yeah, how's that defunding of the police working out for you,


10-31-2021 - Austin Defunded Police, Now Voters Will Decide if City Needs More Cops

10-27-2021 - Report: Marijuana dealers openly peddling drugs in police-defunded New

                        York City

10-27-2021 - More and more San Francisco prosecutors quitting, joining effort to

                recall far-left, Soros-funded toady DA Chesa Boudin

10-18-2021 - Supreme Court rules again to protect police qualified immunity

​10-10-2021 - Bill O'Reilly Weekly Column:  Eyes Wide Shut  (Biden on U.S. Crime)

09-29-2021 - FBI: Over 2x More Killed with Knives than with Shotguns, Rifles Combined

09-27-2021 - FBI: Over 3.5x More Killed with Knives than Rifles of Any Kind <What is this???

                Knife violence??? We need more knife control!!!>

09-25-2021 - VIDEO:  Why Do Migrants Commit More Crime? | Analyzing BRÅ Study on

                        Swedish Crime

​​09-20-2021 - 54 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

09-09-2021 - Over 3,100 Shooting Victims in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago This Year

09-05-2021 - BLM Thugs Storm NYPD Station in Attack FAR WORSE Than January 6th…

                     Media Remains Silent

09-01-2021 - Far Left "Squad Member" Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Muslim MN

                        AG Keith Ellison (D) Endorse Ballot Measure to Replace Minneapolis Police


08-17-2021 - Baltimore police and fire unions frustrated by appeals court ruling

                        upholding city’s right to raise retirement age

08-15-2021 - Report: At Least 45 Shot Friday into Sunday Morning in Chicago

08-13-2021 - Data breach alert: Info on millions of seniors leaked online

08-10-2021 - Squad Member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) Gets Massive Backlash After

                     Defending Private Security Then Calling For Defunding Police (VIDEO)

08-09-2021 - At Least 72 Shot, 11 Killed, During Weekend in Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

08-08-2021 - Report: Two Officers Among 45 Shot Since Saturday Night in Chicago

08-06-2021 - Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO): I Have Private Security For Protection, So ‘Suck It Up

                     And Defund The Police’ (VIDEO)

08-05-2021 - Federal appeals judge: Implementing critical race theory would violate civil

                        rights law

08-05-2021 - DC council gives mayor under half of $11M requested for more police, amid

                        shortage, crime increase

08-02-2021 - 461 Shootings During July Alone in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

07-27-2021 - Report: At Least 15 Shot Monday in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

07-26-2021 - At Least 70 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

07-25-2021 - At Least 29 Shot Friday into Saturday Night Across Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

07-22-2021 - Court no-shows by Soros-backed prosecutor lead to release of murder


07-19-2021 - 56 Shot, 11 Killed, During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

07-13-2021 - Three Bronx teens are shot dead in 'major gang war': Cops blast 'soft'

                     criminal justice system for letting violent criminals back on the streets

07-12-2021 - 40 Shot, 11 Killed, During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

07-08-2021 - Black Market, Other Risks Remain As Legalized Weed Turns 3 in


07-08-2021 - Mayor Lori Lightfoot Welcomes Joe Biden to Chicago: No Talk of Endemic

                     Gun Violence

07-07-2021 - James Woods Rips Biden, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot: 'As Long as

                        Democrats Continue to Defund the Police, America's Streets Will Run with


07-06-2021 - Nearly 100 Shot Friday Night Through Monday Night in Lori Lightfoot's


07-05-2021 - VIDEO: Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Personally Attacks Reporter Over Truth on

                     Crime in Heated Exchange

07-05-2021 - More Than 70 Shot over July 4th Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

07-04-2021 - Chicago Has Fallen: Mayor Lightfoot Just Lost All Control Over Her City

07-02-2021 - Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Blames '99%' of Criticisms on Sexism, Racism

07-01-2021 - Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Thinks ‘About 99%’ of Criticism Aimed at Her

                      is Due to Racism and Sexism

06-30-2021 - Portland, OR will no longer enforce many traffic violations

06-28-2021 - Report: Nearly 70 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

06-25-2021 - George Floyd Case: Derek Chauvin Sentenced to More Than 22 Years in

                        Prison Over George Floyd’s Death

06-25-2021 - George Floyd Case: Derek Chauvin Gets 22 1/2 Years in Prison for George

                     Floyd's Death​

06-23-2021 - Crime Surges 25 percent in 2021 as Democrats Control Washington

06-23-2021 - Portland, OR Police will no longer stop drivers for ‘minor infractions’ to

                     reduce stops for ‘people of color’ <Yeah, let me know how that works out for

                you. Get ready for you insurance rates to skyrocket! Another incredibly stupid liberal


06-22-2021 - Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Claims Shootings Down with Year-over-Year

                     Murders Up

06-22-2021 - 16 Shot, 7 Fatally, on Monday Alone in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

06-22-2021 - Over 300 Killed in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago Thus Far in 2021

06-21-2021 - 49 Shot During Father's Day Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

06-21-2021 - Dems and Dishonest Media Attempt To Label Every Trump Supporter Who

                     Attended Jan 6th Rally A “Terrorist,” While NYC Dismisses Almost Every

                     Case Against 2020 Looters and Violent BLM/Antifa Rioters

06-20-2021 - Anti-Israel Activists in NYC Call for ‘Intifada, Revolution’

06-20-2021 - 23 Shot Friday into Saturday Night in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

06-18-2021 - Judicial Watch Seeks Injunction for Court Against Chicago Mayor Lori

                     Lightfoot Self-Confessed Racist Interview Policy

06-13-2021 - 32 Shootings Between Friday And Sunday Morning Have Left 3 Dead In

                     Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Gun-Free Chicago

06-13-2021 - 32 Shot Friday into Sunday Morning in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

06-11-2021 - Judicial Watch: Chicago Mayor’s Office Confirms Racially Discriminatory

                     Interview Policy in Sworn Court Filing

06-09-2021 - George Soros Gave Billions to Left-wing Causes in Years He Paid No Federal

                     Income Tax

06-07-2021 - 55 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

06-06-2021 - Over 40 Shot in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago Friday into Sunday Morning

​​06-01-2021 - Racist Mayor #1: Chicago's Lori Lightfoot (D)

06-01-2021 - At Least 33 Shot During Memorial Day Weekend in Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

05-31-2021 - ‘Blue Lives Murder’ Apparel Appears For Sale On Amazon, Law Enforcement

                      Demands Its Removal

05-31-2021 - 28 Shot Friday into Monday Morning in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

05-28-2021 - Soros-Backed Group Tied to Violent Palestinian ‘Activists’ Bail Fund

05-24-2021 - Nearly 50 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

05-22-2021 - Chicago Police Union Issues Vote of 'No-Confidence' in Mayor Lightfoot

05-21-2021 - Chicago Expressway Shootings Up 100% Over Same Time Last Year

​05-17-2021 - 46 Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

05-16-2021 - Nearly 30 People Shot Friday into Saturday Night in Chicago

05-13-2021 - 15 Shot Tuesday Through Wednesday in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

05-12-2021 - Cop who roasted LeBron James then almost got fired for it signs book deal

                         – plans to use funds to support other officers

05-11-2021 - Joe Biden Blames Law Enforcement for Fueling 'Distrust' in Police Week

                     Statement Honoring the Fallen

05-10-2021 - At Least 26 Shot Mother's Day Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

​05-09-2021 - 19 Shot Friday into Sunday Morning in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

05-07-2021 - Police Officer Who Mocked LeBron James Signs Book Deal

05-06-2021 - 13 Shot, 2 Fatally, Wednesday Alone in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

05-06-2021 - Cop Who Mocked LeBron James Snags Book Deal, Heads Back To Work

05-06-2021 - Gun background checks soared by more than 20 per cent in April to

                        3.5MILLION - the highest figure on record - as Americans feeling

                        'vulnerable' after violent protests, 'defund the police' and potential gun

                        restrictions rushed out to buy weapons

05-05-2021 - George Floyd Case: Derek Chauvin's Defense Attorney Outlines Basis of

                        Retrial Request

05-04-2021 - Driver calls LA County deputy 'murderer' in racist attack caught on video:

                     'You'll never be White'

05-04-2021 - Video: Woman goes on racist rant, calls L.A. County deputy a ‘murderer’

                        during traffic stop in San Dimas

05-03-2021 - 45 People Shot During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

04-30-2021 - Leftist Shout ‘Close Private Detention Centers! Abolish ICE!’ Biden Pleads, ‘I

                     Agree With You … Give Me Another Five Days’

04-29-2021 - UPDATE: Officer Who Made Humorous Video About LeBron James

                     SUSPENDED w/o Pay...You Can Help

04-29-2021 - More Than 200 Seattle Police Officers Quit Citing ‘Anti-Police’ Climate

04-29-2021 - Black Man Brutally Beats White Delaware Police Officer To Death<Where are

                all the protests, people rioting, burning down the cities over this officer's death???  I'll

                bet you didn't even hear about this.  Hey BLMGF, why don't YOU donate $10M to this

                officer's family???  And where's LeeebBron???>

04-29-2021 - Idaho Cop Suspended For Viral TikTok Mocking LeBron James’ Police Threat

                     <The sheriff, whomever he/she is (name suspiciously missing from all news reports),

                should give this deputy a medal for speaking the truth to idiots!!!> GoFundMe page

​04-29-2021 - WATCH: Professor Berates Student For Calling Police ‘Heroes’

04-27-2021 - Cops Are Mocking LeBron James In Viral TikTok Trend For Telling Them

                        How To Do Their Jobs After He Targeted Police Officer On Twitter

04-26-2021 - 24 Shot, 3 Dead, over the Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

04-23-2021 - George Floyd Case:  Stunning Chauvin Juror Confession: I Was Worried

                     About ‘Rioting And Destruction’ And ‘People Coming To My House’ To

                     Protest Verdict

04-23-2021 - More than 900 People Shot in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago This Year

04-23-2021 - Oklahoma Passes Law Protecting Drivers Who Unintentionally Kill, Injure

                     Rioters While Fleeing

04-22-2021 - Del Rio Border Sector Chief: High-Speed Pursuits up 117%, Sex Offender

                     Arrests up ‘over 2,000%’

04-22-2021 - George Floyd Case:  Famed Civil Rights Attorney, Professor Alan

                        Dershowitz: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) used KKK tactics to

                        intimidate Chauvin jury

04-22-2021 - George Floyd Case: Derek Chauvin Trial Tainted By Threats Of Violence

                     Calling Into Question Whether Any Minneapolis Jury Could Be Impartial

04-22-2021 - Joy Behar on Columbus Shooting: Police Should 'Shoot the Gun in the Air' -

                     - Stop Killing Teenagers <Will somebody please get Joyless Behar a brain??>

​04-22-2021 - NBC Nightly News Edits Out Critical Parts of 911 Call, Video in Ma’Khia

                     Bryant Shooting

04-21-2021 - Ma’Khia Bryant Police Shooting: Media and Activists Try To Stoke Racial

                     Tension With False Narrative

04-21-2021 - Chicago Police May Soon Need Permission to Chase Suspects on Foot

04-21-2021 - White House Condemns 'Police Violence' in Response to Death of Ma'Khia


04-21-2021 - Poll: Most Americans Worry Anti-Police Rhetoric Will Endanger Public Safety

04-21-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Post-Trial Sentencing: What to Expect

04-20-2021 - George Floyd Case: Online Event: Derek Chauvin Post-Trial Analysis

04-19-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial GUILTY ALL COUNTS!

04-19-2020 - 24 Shot Over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

04-19-2021 - NY Bail Rules Stop Judge From Holding Man Accused of Attacking

                     Undercover Asian Cop

04-19-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 15 Wrap-Up: Case Is In the Hands of

                     the Jury, VERDICT WATCH Begins!

04-19-2021 - George Floyd Case: LIVE Chauvin Trial Day 15: Closing Arguments and Jury


04-19-2021 - George Floyd Case:  ‘Abhorrent’: Chauvin Trial Judge Slams Rep. Maxine

                     Waters’ (D-CA) Call for Civil Unrest

04-18-2021 - George Floyd Case: Maxine Waters: Protesters Need to “Get More

                     Confrontational” If No "Murder" Conviction of Derek Chauvin

04-18-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Verdict Prediction (of Sorts): On legal

                     merits alone, not guilty — but political dynamics drive injustice

04-18-2021 - George Floyd Case: PHOTOS: Vandals Smear Pig Blood on Home Once

                     Occupied by Derek Chauvin Defense Witness

04-18-2021 - Alan Dershowitz: Packing Supreme Court Would be a ‘Disaster’ for the

                     Court, Due Process, Free Speech

04-18-2021 - Cities that defunded police reap more violence, calls to re-fund

04-18-2021 - LA County Sheriff Blames "Defund the Police" Movement For Recent Surge in

                     Violent Crime

04-17-2021 - George Floyd Case: WATCH -- Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA):

                     Derek Chauvin Must Be 'Guilty, Guilty, Guilty' or We Take to the Streets

04-17-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Going to Jury – Legal Insurrection Will

                      Hold Post-Verdict Online Event (Date TBA)

04-16-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial: Jury has “a basis” to “find reasonable

                     doubt here, but it’s not what I’m expecting”

04-16-2021 - Ben & Jerry’s Makes Plea On Social Media To “DEFUND THE POLICE”…What

                     About Times Ben & Jerry Stores Called Cops To Report Crimes In Their


04-15-2021 - LA: BLM Terrorists Call for White Genocide, Death to Police, Destruction of

​                     ​Govt. Buildings...Where is the FBI? [VIDEO]

04-15-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 14 Wrap-Up: Mistrial Narrowly

                      Avoided, Closing Arguments Monday

04-15-2021-  George Floyd Case:  BREAKING: Derek Chauvin Will Not Testify, Asserts 5A


04-15-2021 - George Floyd Case: ​Chauvin Trial Day 14 – Defense Rests, Chauvin Will Not

                     Testify, Asserts 5A

04-14-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 13 – BREAKING – Motion for Judgment

                     of Acquittal Denied, Defense Case Continues

04-14-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 13 Wrap-Up: Solid Day for Defense

                     With Forensic Expert Witness

04-14-2021 - Officer Charged With Second-Degree Manslaughter in Death of Daunte


04-13-2021 - City Manager Fired by Mayor After Saying Cop in Daunte Wright Shooting

                     Deserves Due Process  <How DARE he afford someone their Constitutional rights!!>

04-13-2021 - Daunte Wright Had an Arrest Warrant for Allegedly Choking and Holding a

                     Woman at Gunpoint: Court Docs

04-13-2021 - If the Crowd Was Mourning Daunte Wright, Why Was There Dancing, Looting

                     and Shooting of a Police Station?

04-13-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 12 Wrap-Up: Defense Use-of-Force

                     Expert Witness Falls Short

04-13-2021 - George Floyd Case: Use-of-Force Expert Testifies That Derek Chauvin's

                     Actions Were 'Justified'

04-13-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 12 – Meet the Jury Instructions, Bring

                     On The Defense Case

04-12-2021 - 3 Police Officers Shot During Intense Chase with Suspects

04-12-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 11 Wrap-Up: Trial Expected to End

                     Testimony This Week

04-12-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 11 – Has State Eliminated

                     Reasonable Doubt As Case Nears End?

04-12-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 11 Update – State’s Desperate Moves

                     Reveal Vulnerabilities In Prosecution of Chauvin

04-11-2021 - Cop Executed on Side of the Road in Broad Daylight After Pulling Over a

                     Truck for Window Tint Violation

04-11-2021 - 60 Expressway Shootings Across Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

04-11-2021 - Forensic Pathologist: If We Found George Floyd at Home with That Amount

                     of Fentanyl and Meth, It Would Be an Overdose

04-11-2021 - George Floyd Case: Another, Clearer Take on the Chauvin Trial

04-10-2021 - Austin, TX witnessing mass exodus of officers following new police-bashing

                     city policies, cop-targeting district attorney

04-10-2021 - George Floyd Case: Derek Chauvin Trial – Prosecution Problems Ignored or

                     Misrepresented In Mainstream Media

04-09-2021 - Police officers in Austin, Tex., are quitting in record numbers due to city’s

                     “woke” transformation

04-09-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 10 Wrap-Up: Defense Raises More

                     Reasonable Doubt with State Witnesses

04-09-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 10 – Forensic Pathologist and Medical

                     Examiner Day

04-08-2021 - Types Of Guns Used In Mass Public Shootings 1998 Through March


04-08-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 9 Wrap-Up: Medical Experts

                     Resuscitate Prosecution Case

04-08-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 9 – State’s Evidence Begins to Align

                     with the Defense Narrative of Innocence

04-07-2021 - 12 Shot Tuesday Night Into Wednesday Morning in Chicago​

04-07-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 8 Wrap-Up: “I Ate Too Many Drugs”

                     Video May Be Game-Changer

04-07-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 8 – Will State’s Non-MPD Use of Force

                     Expert Save This Prosecution?

04-06-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 7 Wrap-Up: a horrible day for the


04-06-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 7 – Where is Cause of Death Beyond a

                     Reasonable Doubt?

04-05-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 6 Wrap-Up: Chief Says Neck Restraint

                     Not Trained, But Does It Matter?

04-05-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 6 – Will State Offer Proof of Cause of


04-05-2021 - George Floyd Case: Prominent BLM Activist Threatens Cities 'on Fire'

                     if Chauvin Walks <Is anyone surprised?>

04-04-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Week One Analysis: State Offers

                     Abbreviated Versions of Video Evidence

04-03-2021 - Senator Chuck U. Schumer (D-NY): Senate Will ‘Move Forward’ to Legalize

                     Marijuana with or Without Biden’s Support <chuck u, America!!>
04-03-2021 - NYPD Orders Officers to Allow People to Smoke Weed in Public
04-02-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 5 Wrap-Up: Poorly Informed

                     Witnesses Provide State with Poorly Informed Opinions

04-02-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 5 – Hoping for More Technical, Less

                     Emotive, State Testimony

04-02-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Analysis: Opioid Tolerance Issues

04-01-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 4 Wrap-Up: Another Poor Day for

                     Prosecution, Advantage Defense

04-01-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial BREAKING: “Mama” Was George Floyd’s

                     Nickname For His Drug-Sharing Girlfriend

04-01-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 4 – State Ready to Present Body Cam

                     & Surveillance Video

03-31-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 3 Wrap-Up: Floyd Was “High” with

                     Foam Around His Mouth

03-31-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 3 – More Cross-Examination of

                     Hostile Firefighter

03-31-2021 - Atlanta Mayor to Hire 250 Police Officers After Homicides Surge 58%
                      <Well, well, imagine that!>

03-30-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 2 Wrap-Up: State Focused on

                     Feelings,Judge Scolds Firefighter

03-30-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 2 – State Calls ‘Use of Force’ and

                     Other Witnesses

03-29-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 1 Wrap-Up: Opening Arguments &

                     Three State Witnesses

03-29-2021 - George Floyd Case: Chauvin Trial Day 1 – Opening Statements

03-29-2021 - At Least 30 Shot Over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

03-26-2021 - Gun-controlled Chicago: 3 cops shot last week, one this week

03-26-2021 - New York City just removed qualified immunity from NYPD

03-26-2021 - New York City removes qualified immunity from police in first major shot in

                     the battle over police protections <Yeah, let me know how that works out for you,

               Comrade DeBlasio.>

03-25-2021 - The False Narrative Of White Supremacists Doing Mass Public

              Shootings: Racial, Gender, Religious And Political Views Of These

              Killers From 1998 Through March 2021

03-18-2021 - How Soros Money, Radical DAs Are Killing Our Cities

03-08-2021 - 20 People Shot over Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

03-07-2021 - At Least 42 Chicago Area Expressway Shootings Year-to-Date

03-04-2021 - What’s worse, violence on the left or the right? It’s a dangerous question

03-02-2021 - Washington Supreme Court declares felony drug possession laws


03-02-2021 - Lower courts take notice: The Supreme Court is rethinking

                     qualified immunity

03-01-2021 - At Least 21 Shot Over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

02-24-2021 - Supreme Court inclined to expand warrantless entry into homes

02-24-2021 - When Can Cops Can Enter Private Homes without Warrants? SCOTUS Justices

                     Seemed Annoyed That They Were Being Asked to Decide

02-23-2021 - DHS: ‘Right-Wing Extremists’ Committed Most Deadly Terrorist Attacks Last


02-20-2021 - Mass Shooting Rocks America, Leftist Media Silent, Here’s Why

02-16-2021 - DCCC Hire Referred to Police as 'White Supremacists," Defended Looting

02-16-2021 - Biden: Former Military, Police Fueling 'Growth of White Supremacy'

                     Groups <Prove it, pretzel boy!>

02-08-2021 - At Least 23 Shot, 3 Killed, over Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

02-02-2021 - Report: January 2021 Homicides Hit Four-Year High in Chicago

02-02-2021 - Denzel Washington: I Don’t Care for People Who Put Down Police, Soldiers

                     Who Sacrifice Their Lives So We Have Freedom to Complain About What

                     They Do

02-01-2021 - At Least 20 Shot over Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

01-29-2021 - New DA Indicts Two Austin, TX Police Officers for a Closed 2019 Case. Mass

                     Officer Exodus May Follow.

01-26-2021 - Biden Orders End to Private Prisons in Package to Achieve ‘Racial Equity’

01-25-2021 - 30 Shot over Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

01-24-2021 - At Least 20 Shot Friday into Sunday Morning in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

​01-18-2021 - At Least 23 Shot over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

01-12-2021 - Carjackings More than Doubled During 2020 in Mayor Lightfoot's


01-10-2021 - Months Ago, Democrats Blocked a Resolution Condemning Mob Violence

01-03-2021 - Madman with bat attacks 10 people, carjacks two vehicles in wild

                     Manhattan rampage: cops <Remember, Gov. Cuomo (D), recently signed a law

                eliminating cash bail for almost all crimes, except the most egregious.  Good thing

                this wasn't a serious crime otherwise he'd be in jail with a large bail on his head.


01-04-2021 - At Least 27 Shot New Year's Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

01-03-2021 -Man, 43, attacks multiple people with a bat on two-hour New York City

                     crime spree, leaving one unconscious and another with a broken arm,

                     before carjacking two vehicles

01-01-2021 - Georgia Just Made It a Hate Crime to Harass Police Officers and Other

                      Emergency Responders

01-01-2021 - AP News: Chicago ends 2020 with 769 homicides as gun violence


01-01-2021 - Chicago shootings, murders up 50% in 2020; Cook County breaks

              records for total deaths

01-01-2021 - Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago Sees 55% Rise in Homicides in 2020

12-31-2020 - Over 4,100 People Shot in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago in 2020

12-31-2020 - Biden returning to Obama scheme to take control of police departments

12-25-2020 - NYC video captures the moments before Gov. Cuomo (D) staffer is attacked 

                     with cinder block

12-20-2020 - Facebook blocks largest police-owned news outlet from posting at same

                     time Instagram shuts down Running 4 Heroes

12-19-2020 - Report: 11 Shot Friday Into Saturday Morning in Lightfoot's Chicago

12-08-2020 - Shootings Approach 14-Year High in Mayor de Blasio’s NYC

12-07-2020 - 40 Shot, 6 Killed, During Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

12-06-2020 - 30 Shot, 4 Dead, Friday into Sunday Morning in Lightfoot's Chicago

12-03-2020 - More Than 2,000 Officers Injured in Summer's Protests and Riots

11-30-2020 - 28 Shot, 7 Killed, over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

11-23-2020 - 50 People Shot, 5 Killed, over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

11-22-2020 - Nearly 40 Shot Friday into Sunday Morning in Lightfoot's Chicago

11-11-2020 - Houston’s top cop sounds off over Austin cuts, blames Austin city council

                     for Texas not experiencing a ‘blue wave’

11-08-2020 - Over 25 Shot, 4 Dead, Friday into Sunday AM in Lightfoot's Chicago

11-04-2020 - New Jersey Residents Vote To Legalize Recreational Marijuana – CBS Philly

10-30-2020 - How Bolster the Blue Is Standing in the Gap for Law Enforcement

10-14-2020 - Number of Shooting Victims in NYC Nearly Doubles From 2019

10-10-2020 - 87 Shootings Reported on Expressways in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

09-28-2020 - Over 3,100 Shooting Victims in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago this Year

09-25-2020 - VIDEO: Breonna Taylor | Just The Facts and Law

09-23-2020 - Kyle Rittenhouse's legal team releases new video of shooting showing that

                     at least one gunshot was fired before teen ever opened fire

09-23-2020 - LeBron James Asked to Comment on Compton Cops Who Were Shot in the

                     Head, and His Response is Callous <Shuddup and dribble, LeeeeeBron, you idiot!>

09-22-2020 - Billionaire Mike "Nanny" Bloomberg Pays $16 Million in Fines of Black and

                     Hispanic Felons to Enable Them to Vote <What's that saying about a fool and his


09-21-2020 - DOJ Declares NYC, Seattle, and Portland 'Anarchist Jurisdictions'

09-21-2020 - Nearly 40 Shot, 6 Killed, over Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

09-20-2020 - Irony: Protests demanded defunding a police department resulted in $900k

                     in overtime for officers

​09-20-2020 - Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Demands ICE Halt Deportations Over COVID

                     Concerns. DHS Responds: Deportees Include Murderer,

                     Rapist, Terrorism Supporter

09-18-2020 - Bail Fund Promoted By Harris Helped Alleged Child Rapist Get Out Of

                     Jail: Report

09-18-2020 - AG Barr Orders Feds To Crack Down On Violent Rioters, Including Pursuing

                     Sedition Charges: Report

09-18-2020 - Reward Explodes To $675k For Suspected Shooter Of ‘Ambushed’ LA

                     County Deputies

09-17-2020 - Detroit Police Chief Unloads On Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) Who Called For

                     Disarming ‘Every Police Department’: ‘Absolutely Ridiculous’

​09-17-2020 - 2 Seattle Schools Offered 7-Year-Olds Anti-Police, Leftist Messages

09-17-2020 - EXPOSE HIM: Here's how George Soros is funding today's riots & chaos

09-17-2020 - Minneapolis Residents Say They’re Living ‘In A War Zone’ Plead With City

                     Council To Address Them Personally

09-16-2020 - REVEALED: Widespread vandalism and looting during BLM protests will cost

                     the insurance $2 BILLION after violence erupted in 140 cities in the wake of

                     George Floyd's death

09-16-2020 - It's Official: The George Floyd Riots Were the Most Destructive in U.S.


09-16-2020 - Report: Seattle Mayor May Face Federal Charges Over ‘Autonomous

                     Zone’ Fiasco

09-16-2020 - REPORT: BLM Co-Founder Partnering Up With Pro-Communist Chinese Group

09-16-2020 - City Manager Receives Paid Leave For ‘Chickens Come Home To Roost’ Post

                     About Ambushed Deputies

​09-14-2020 - At Least 50 Shot, 11 Dead, over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

09-13-2020 - Over 35 Shot Friday into Sunday Morning in Lori Lightfoot's Chicago

09-09-2020 - DHS Secretary Chad Wolf Sets the Record Straight on Portland, 'Mostly

                     Peaceful' Riots, and COVID

09-08-2020 - At Least 51 Shot, 7 Fatally, Labor Day Weekend in Lightfoot's Chicago

09-08-2020 - Left 'Secretly Preps' for Violent Unrest If Biden Loses

09-07-2020 - 40 Shot, 6 Killed, Friday Into Monday Morning in Lightfoot's Chicago

09-07-2020 - San Francisco’s Soft-On Crime Approach is Turning it Into a Criminal


09-03-2020 - NY Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) Defunded Police. More New Yorkers Keep Dying

                     For It  <This is what happens when you're too lazy to vote!>

09-03-2020 - Ohio Sheriff: 'You Shoot at the Police, Expect Us to Shoot Back'

09-02-2020 - PragerU's latest video hilariously points out leftist hypocrisy surrounding

                     cops: 'How leftists think police should do their job'

09-01-2020 - Not Woke Enough: Portland Rioters Burn Minority-Owned Office in Building

                      with Residents

​​09-01-2020 - New Jersey Makes 'Race-Based' 911 Calls a Crime

09-01-2020 - Kenosha Rioters Destroyed 'the Very Neighborhoods That They Want to


09-01-2020 - BLM Vandals Strike Elvis Presley's Graceland

09-01-2020 - Sister turned in '100% Antifa' suspect in Portland killing of Trump supporter

09-01-2020 - Get Those Evil... Dentists?! Portland Antifa Rioters Burn Dentist's Office With

                     Apartments Above

09-01-2020 - Open Season on Police as St. Louis Cop Killed and 2 Chicago Officers


09-01-2020 - Oregon Governor's New Portland Police Plan Goes up in Smoke as

                     Neighboring Counties Say No Thanks<More like 'pound sand.'  Good for them!>

09-01-2020 - DHS Chief: DOJ Is 'Targeting and Investigating' Antifa and BLM Leaders and

                     Those Funding the Riots

09-01-2020 - Find him: Police hunting for Antifa member who went into hiding after

                     murdering pro-police Trump supporter

09-01-2020 - Protecting the criminals: Virginia lawmakers pass bill that could end ‘stop,

                     sniff and search’

09-01-2020 - NPR interview promotes new book ‘In Defense of Looting’ – and yes, it’s

                     exactly what you think it is

08-31-2020 - Chicago weekend shootings: 55 shot, 10 fatally, in citywide gun violence

08-31-2020 - NPR Promotes Author’s Defense of Looting as ‘Imaginative Sense of

                     Freedom and Pleasure’

08-31-2020 - Joe Biden Fails to Condemn Attacks on Police: More Dead from COVID than

                      ‘Killed on Patrol'

08-31-2020 - Police attacked for shooting, killing an “unarmed suspect”. So here’s the

                     footage of him with a gun.

08-31-2020 - Riot-Ravaged Minneapolis Businesses Can't Rebuild Because the Insurance

                     Won't Cover It

08-31-2020 - Woman Who Wants to Run Portland Police Said the Cops Are Secretly Behind

                     the Antifa Riots <Sign her up - she's a freaking genius!>

08-31-2020 - Why Kenosha Police Officers’ Use Of Force On Jacob Blake Was Justified

08-31-2020 - Meet The Rioting Criminals Kamala Harris Helped Bail Out Of Jail

08-31-2020 - Kamala Harris: Police Must Face 'Accountability and Consequence'

08-31-2020 - Kenosha Police Report Majority of People Arrested Not From Kenosha

08-31-2020 - Governor of Oregon Announces Bold Plan to Prosecute and Lock Up Rioters                          <Well, better late than ALMOST NEVER!!  IDIOT!>

08-30-2020 - Business owners bash city's ban on security shutters as race riots rage

08-30-2020 - Democratic Socialists of America: No People are Harmed by Looting

                <Seen Peter Pan lately??>

08-30-2020 - Corporate Media Didn’t Report What It’s Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin,

                     So I Will

08-30-2020 - At Least 46 Shot Friday into Sunday Night in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

08-30-2020 - INSANE: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Blames Trump for Deadly Shooting

08-29-2020 - Florida Democrat Pam Keith suggests it's 'open season' on killing 


08-29-2020 - Trump Again Threatens to Invoke Insurrection Law After Attacks on

                     Supporters at White House

08-28-2020 - Did the 1994 crime bill cause mass incarceration?

08-28-2020 - It's Not Just the Riots: It's the Crime

08-28-2020 - Bellevue, WA: 46 Arrested or Charged for 'Well-Organized' Looting in May

08-28-2020 - #MeToo: Why Won't the Media Call Jacob Blake a Rapist?

08-28-2020 - Democrats Spent Months Rioting and Looting, Then Republicans Pounced

08-27-2020 - Defund the Police and You Get 17-Year-Old Boys With Rifles Patrolling


08-27-2020 - The Next Nick Sandmann? Defamed Covington Kid's Lawyer Takes Up the

                     Case of Kyle Rittenhouse

08-27-2020 - Operation Not Forgotten: U.S. Marshals Find 39 Missing Kids and Rescue 15

                     From Sex Trafficking in Atlanta

08-27-2020 - Retired Police Chief David Dorn's Widow Eviscerates the Black Lives Matter

                     Narrative at the RNC

08-27-2020 - Graphic Additional Footage Of Kenosha Shooting Surfaces Online

08-27-2020 - Virginia Bill Makes Assault on Police a Misdemeanor w/No Required Jail


08-27-2020 - Hall Of Fame Linebacker Brian Urlacher Slams NBA Players For Postponing

                      Games Over Blake Shooting

08-26-2020 - Louisville police report details alleged drug trafficking connections that led

                     to Breonna Taylor warrant

08-26-2020 - The Alternative to People Shooting BLM Rioters in Self-Defense is the

                      Police <Police??  Law Enforcement??  What a splendid concept!  ~Unknown liberal.>

08-26-2020 - Democrat WI Governor Tony Evers Rejected Hundreds Of National Guard

                     Troops Police Needed Before Shootings: White House

08-26-2020 - WATCH: Kenosha Rioters: ‘Death To America,’ ‘Kill The F***ing Police’ While

                     Burning American Flag

08-27-2020 - WATCH: Kenosha Protesters Yell, Honk Vehicle Horns in Residential Areas

08-26-2020 - Medical Examiner Concluded George Floyd Likely Died Of Fentanyl

              Overdose, Court Docs Reveal

08-26-2020 - Police Organization Leader: Biden, Harris 'Most Radical Anti-Police Ticket'

08-26-2020 - Wisconsin DOJ: Jacob Blake Admitted to Law Enforcement He Had Knife

08-26-2020 - Jacob Blake’s Mom Blasts Rioters For Destroying Kenosha, Apologizes

                     To Trump

08-26-2020 - Harmeet Dhillon Responds To Shaun King Threat To Name Kenosha Police

                     Officers: ‘Lawyers Are On Standby’ For Defamation Lawsuits

08-26-2020 - Shaun King Doxing Kenosha Police—'May or May Not' Have Shot Jacob Blake

08-26-2020 - Oregon Gov Says Rioters, Looters Should Be ‘Held Accountable’ For Violence

                     As November Nears<So she FINALLY has an epiphany - how convenient.>

08-25-2020 - Los Angeles County declines to turn over 25,000 illegal immigrants to

              ICE, report

08-24-2020 - Austin, TX City Council cuts $150M from police budget, so the county

                     judge asks governor to send in state troopers

08-23-2020 - Texas County Requests Help from State Troopers After Austin Defunds


08-20-2020 - Democrat Convention Concludes Without A Single Mention Of Ongoing

                        Violent Unrest In Liberal Cities

08-20-2020 - George Soros-funded DAs oversee big cities with skyrocketing crime

08-23-2020 - Seattle's 'Summer of Love' Mayor Durkan Vetoes Police Budget Cuts

                <Imagine that!  There may be a teeny, tiny little brain in that head after all,...or

                maybe not!>

08-20-2020 - Chiefs, Detectives, And Police Unions Slam Goodyear's Anti-Cop Policy: 'It’s

                      Just Disgusting'

​​08-20-2020 - Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Blames Mississippi for Chicago Gun

                     Violence <Hey!  Look in the mirror, dingbat!!>

08-17-2020 - Austin, TX police recruits become collateral damage in $100 million budget

                     cuts: ‘I gave up a high-paying job for nothing’

08-17-2020 - At Least 50 Shot, 5 Fatally, Over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

08-14-2020 - As riots escalate, Austin Police Department gets defunded by one-third of

                     its budget

08-14-2020 - Oregon State Police Pull Out Of Protecting Portland Courthouse After City

                     Refuses To ‘Prosecute This Criminal Behavior,’ Department Says

08-13-2020 - Night 77: Oregon State Police Withdraw from Portland Federal Courthouse

                     due to non-prosecutions

08-13-2020 - Austin, TX Guts Police to Fund Abortion as America's Cities Die

08-13-2020 - Austin, TX approves massive police budget cut; funds to be diverted to

                     abortion access, other programs

08-13-2020 - Texas Governor Abbott (R) Slams Austin City Council for Defunding Police

08-12-2020  - Police: Drunk DACA Illegal Bought Beer Hour Before Killing Four Officers

08-12-2020 - Sanctuary Los Angeles County Vows to Free Criminal Illegals into U.S.

08-11-2020 - District attorney says he will refuse to prosecute Portland rioters for a list of

                      offenses, including rioting - new DA will decline to prosecute a list of

                      offenses<Pray for the good people of Portland and the police - they deserve better

                than a criminal coddler like this!>

08-11-2020 - NFL won't have live national anthem performances, may bar military and

                     police honor guards from field - COVID-19 precautions?  <That's OK - I banned

                all pro and college sports from my TV a long time ago!!>

08-11-2020 - Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) Urged Supporters to Donate to Group Pushing

                     Defunding Police

​08-11-2020 - Biden VP Pick Kamala Harris Compared Border Security To The KKK

08-11-2020 - REPORT: Chicago/Cook County Prosecutor Kim Foxx (D) Dismissed

                      Thousands Of Felony Cases Including Gun Crimes Cases

08-10-2020 - Chicago Mayor Lightfoot: We Don't Need Federal Troops, We Need Gun


08-10-2020 - Kim Foxx drops more felony cases as Cook County (Chicago, IL) state’s

               attorney than her predecessor, Tribune analysis shows

08-10-2020 - At Least 35 Shot, 4 Fatally, over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

08-10-2020 - Paper: Chicago Prosecutor Kim Foxx Has Dropped 25,183 Felony Cases

08-10-2020 - Seattle Police Chief Resigns After Democrat City Council Votes To Cut

                     Police Budget

08-10-2020 - Shootings in De Blasio's NYC on Track to Surpass 2018, 2019 Combined

​​08-10-2020 - Trump Heroically Defies a Lawless Supreme Court on DACA

08-10-2020 - Peak Looter? Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot changes her tune on looting
08-09-2020 - Manhattan district attorney DROPS felony charge against BLM leader

              accused of assaulting NYPD cop

08-09-2020 - ​Far-Left Extremists Burn Police Building In Portland, Violently Attack Police


08-08-2020 - WATCH: Heroic Portland Police Speak Out on Riots: "The most horrific

                     displays of hate I've ever seen"

08-08-2020 - Biden Seems To Suggest Michael Brown Was Victim On Anniversary Of

                     Death. Obama-Biden DOJ Said Officer Acted In ‘Self-Defense’

08-07-2020 - More Americans are Realizing Government and Police Can’t – Or Won’t –

                     Protect You

08-07-2020 - Austin Voted to Defund the Police, its Murder Rate Rose 67% 

08-06-2020 - Gallup: 81 Percent Of Black Americans Want Police Protection, Some Want


08-06-2020 - Officer Charged In Rayshard Brooks Shooting Takes Action Against Atlanta

                     Democrat Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and Interim Police Chief Rodney


08-06-2020 - Chicago College Students Demand Schools Cut Ties with 'White Supremacist

                     Cult' Police <Parents, save your money and stop sending your kids to these

              universities to be indoctrinated by these anti-American Communist


08-06-2020 - Portland Police Chief Calls for End to Violent Protests: 'Enough Is Enough'

                        <Gee, ya' think, Chief??>

08-05-2020 - Newly Released George Floyd Body Cam Footage Should Make AG Keith

                     Ellison (D-MN) 

08-05-2020 - Los Angeles County Sheriff: County Is 'Laying the Groundwork for

                     Defunding the Sheriff's Department as We Know It'<Can you say, "Escape from

                L.A. 2" ???>

08-05-2020 - New Poll Shows Majority Of Black Americans Favor Higher Police Presence

08-04-2020 - Leaked Bodycam Footage Of George Floyd’s Arrest Provides New

              Context To Police Apprehension

08-05-2020 - Biden Says Border Wall Construction Will End if He is Elected

08-03-2020 - School and Church Closings, Anti-Police Movement Blow up U.S. Homicide


08-03-2020 - Black Lives Matter Protesters Swarm Seattle Police Chief's Home

08-03-2020 - Portland Murders Surge After City Council Disbands Police Unit

08-02-2020 - VIDEO:  BOOM! Get out the way! Antifa losers in Austin, TX learn the hard

                     way why you DON’T mess with Texas (or their police horses)

08-02-2020 - VIDEO: Here's What Happens When 3/4 Ton Austin, TX Mounted Police

                     Horses Meet up With an Angry Mob...Spoiler: Horses Won

08-02-2020 - Austin, TX Police, Texas State Troopers Prevent Violence and Arrest Many

08-02-2020 - De Blasio's NYC: More Shootings at This Point in 2020 than All of 2019

08-02-2020 - Minneapolis Police, Defunded by City Council, Advise Residents to Obey

                     Criminals<With that kind of stupid advice, maybe they should've been disbanded!>

08-01-2020 - Artist who painted thin blue line around police station ordered to remove it

08-01-2020 - Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago Sees 139 Percent Increase in Murder

08-01-2020 - CCRKBA Adds to Their ‘Don’t Feed the Gun Prohibitionists’ List of 

              Anti-Gun Companies     LIST HERE

07-31-2020 - Detroit police chief says the city hasn't experienced violent riots for one

                     reason — cops 'don't retreat here'<Take note Minneapolis, Seattle & Portland!>

07-31-2020 - Judge orders police to stop videotaping Portland protesters following ACLU

                     lawsuit<Idiot judge needs to read the law - several higher courts have ruled that

                filming in public IS allowed.>

07-31-2020 - Florida's largest police union unanimously endorses President Trump in

                     emergency vote

07-30-2020 - The Left's Willingness to Tolerate Violence Should Frighten All Americans

07-30-2020 - Civil Rights Vet Warns Against BLM Riots: 'Their Target Isn't Injustice in

                     America, It's America Itself'

07-30-2020 - Another Misleading Study On Gun Ownership And Violence Chases Its Own

                     Questionable Tail

07-29-2020 - Mayor Lightfoot Blames Gun Friendly States for Chicago's

                     Bloodshed <Hmmm, strange that those other states don't have the same problem.>
​​07-28-2020 - America's Most Peaceful and Violent States

07-28-2020 - The Full Video Montage of Violent Riots Democrats Didn't Want You to See

                      at AG Barr's Hearing

07-28-2020 - AG Barr: 'Since When Is It Okay to Burn Down a Federal Court?'

07-28-2020 - Uh Oh: More Than 100 Law Enforcement Agencies Refuse to Guard the DNC
07-28-2020 - BREAKING: Over 100 Police Agencies Pull Out Of Agreements To Guard DNC


07-28-2020 - Google Translate Lists 'Police Officer' as the Primary Definition of 'Demon'

07-28-2020 - AG Barr: 'Peaceful Protesters Do Not Throw Explosives Into Courthouses'

07-28-2020 - Dems Hate AG Barr for Exposing Obama-Biden Abuses​

07-27-2020 - The Chicago 'Guns from Other States' Myth - Yahoo News
07-27-2020 - The Chicago 'Guns from Other States' Myth - National Review

07-27-2020 - AG Barr to Nuke House Democrats: Covering Up for Russiagate, Demonizing


07-27-2020 - Judge Orders NYPD to Hand Over Private Information About Gun Owners

07-27-2020 - There Was Another Brutal Hate Crime In Wisconsin...Want to Take a Guess

                      Why There's No Media Attention?

07-27-2020 - Crime Explosion Forces Minneapolis Residents to Form Militias
07-27-2020 - Sanctuary Railroads: Union Pacific Vows to Protect Illegal Aliens

07-27-2020 - Murders Continue to Surge in Democrat-Controlled Cities

07-27-2020 - Violent Seattle Protest: 59 Police Officers Injured, One Hospitalized

07-27-2020 - Over 30 Shot, 10 Killed, as Violence Surges in de Blasio's NYC

07-27-2020 - Joe Biden Thinks the Rioters Are Very Fine People

07-27-2020 - Law Enforcement Today Spox: We're Looking at a ‘Mass Exodus’ of Police

07-26-2020 - Chicago Mayor Lightfoot: 'We Will Not Allow Federal Troops in Our City'

07-26-2020 - Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Blames Other States for Chicago's Gun Violence

                     Problem <Hmmm, strange that those other states don't have the same problem.>

​07-26-2020 - Thousands Turn Out for Long Island's 'Back the Blue' Rally

07-26-2020 - Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Despicably Compares Federal

                     Agents To Nazis, DHS Sec Chad Wolf 'It's Dangerous And She Should

                     Immediately Apologize For That'

07-26-2020 - 10 Big Fat Lies You're Being Told About the Portland Riots

07-26-2020 - Oregon High School Football Coach Says He was Fired Because He's a Cop

07-26-2020 - Police Tell Business Owners in Seattle 'You're on Your Own'

07-25-2020 - LeBron James' group to donate $100K to pay fines for ex-felons seeking to

                     vote in Florida

07-25-2020 - Federal Judge Blocks Seattle Law Banning Crowd Control Weapons

07-25-2020 - Judge denies Oregon's request to stop arrests by federal agents in Portland

07-25-2020 - Seattle Police Chief To Residents: 'We Cannot Enforce The Law. You Are

             On Your Own'...Concedes To The Mob

07-24-2020 - Cuccinelli: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot 'turned 180 degrees' on working

                     with Trump

07-24-2020 - Corporate giants Amazon, Apple, Google and Walmart all donating millions

                     to domestic terrorism organization Black Lives Matter

07-24-2020 - A&E Network Loses Almost HALF Of Its Viewership After Cancellation Of

                     Live PD Program <Hard to believe since the show's producer, Dan Abrams, is a HUGE

                lib.  Oh well, guess he's not 'woke' enough anymore.>

07-23-2020 - ‘Fascist’: What Top Democrats Say About Federal Law Enforcement Help for

                      Their Cities

​07-23-2020 - Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Grudgingly Accepts Federal Law Enforcement


07-23-2020 - George Soros Funds Campaign of St. Louis Prosecutor Charging Couple

               for Protecting Home from BLM Protestors

07-23-2020 - 20-Yr-Old Tough Guy Who Posed For Photo Holding Down Crying White

                     Baby With His Knee On His Neck And BLM Message, Has Been Arrested and


07-23-2020 - Cops shouldn't be responding to rape calls if the suspect runs away,

                      Muslim Minnesota AG Keith Ellison (D) says <I feel so sorry for the good people

                 of MN.>

07-23-2020 - Federal officers may be permanently blind after Portland rioters attacked

                     them with lasers

07-23-2020 - BLM, Antifa thugs in Portland “dox” dozens of federal agents in attempt to

                      enable domestic terrorists to attack their families

07-23-2020 - Illegal alien/DACA recipient released after assault and DUIs in Texas

                     accused of killing 3 retired cops in DUI crash

​07-23-2020 - Rioters Are Using Racial Discontent to Promote Marxist/Communist Agenda

07-22-2020 - Game over: President Trump sending federal police throughout country to

                     end riots, take back America

07-22-2020 - Fact Check: Joe Biden Claims It's Donald Trump Who Wants to 'Defund the


07-22-2020 - Illegal Alien Was Out on Bail When He Allegedly Killed 3 Retired Officers

07-22-2020 - De Blasio's NYC: Shootings Surge 220 Percent, Murders Up 24 Percent

07-22-2020 - Some Big City Officials Admit Anti-Police Protests May Have Helped Spark

                     COVID-19 Resurgence

07-22-2020 - NYC Woman Shot Dead After Reportedly Taking Borough Leader’s Advice To

                     Settle Disputes Without Police<So sad, but this is what happens when you take

                advice from idiots.>

07-21-2020 - St. Louis couple defending home from mob charged with weapons

                     violations, while violent gun felons are released everywhere

07-21-2020 - Cop goes viral for open letter on how disrespectful protesters have 'broken'

                     him: 'You have not earned my duty and dedication'

07-21-2020 - Portland: Antifa “Moms” Provide Human Shield Against Federal Law


07-21-2020 - Watch: Rioters Use 'Peaceful' Protests as Cover for Attacks on Chicago Police

07-21-2020 - Nearly 200 Officers Apply to Leave Minneapolis Police Force

07-21-2020 - Interactive map shows growing number of Catholic churches, statues being


​07-21-2020 - Police: NJ Starbucks Barista Bragged About Spitting in Officers' Drinks

07-21-2020 - Alyssa Milano Declares Portland Police, Federal Agents Are 'Terrorizing the


​​07-21-2020 - At Least 14 Wounded in Shooting Outside Chicago Funeral Home

07-20-2020 - Austin, TX Police Association Head Suggests Officers Stop 'Active


07-20-2020 - 'Wall of Moms' Stand Between Portland Protesters and Federal Officers

07-20-2020 - At Least 65 Shot, 10 Dead, over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot's (D) Gun-

                     Controlled Chicago

07-20-2020 - Interactive map shows growing number of Catholic churches, statues being


07-20-2020 - Catholics Decry ‘Week of Vandalism and Arson’ Against U.S. Churches

07-20-2020 - PragerU Launches 'Back the Blue' Campaign to Support Law Enforcement

07-20-2020 - As Gun Violence Rages, Alderman Asks Trump to 'Come Save Chicago'

07-20-2020 - New York Readying Release of More Convicted Cop Killers This Year

07-19-2020 - Illegal Alien Allegedly Attacked Jogger a Day After His Release from Jail

07-19-2020 - MO Governor to Issue Pardon if Armed St. Louis Couple Charged

​07-19-2020 - Community Comes Together to Clean Up Statue of Fallen Officer

07-19-2020 - Florida Community Raises over $20K for Officer Beaten Unconscious

07-19-2020 - Yes, Joe Biden Said He Wants to Defund the Police

07-19-2020 - Portland riots see federal officers battle rioters

07-19-2020 - Police: Brooklyn Man Tampered with NYPD Van Brakes

07-19-2020 - Georgetown Student Petition: Create a 'Sanctuary Space' Campus by

                     Banning Cops <Hey parents and donating alumni - did you know you money is

                funding this kind of stupidity??>

07-18-2020 - Blue Lives Matter Creates Powerful Video ‘Standing Up For

             Officers’ Around The Country

07-18-2020 - Pelosi calls federal law enforcement in Portland “stormtroopers”

07-18-2020 - Biden Campaign Staffer Mocked Cops As Worse Than 'Pigs,' Radically Called

                     For Defunding Police

07-18-2020 - Police Praise Good Samaritan for Shooting Attacker Dead

07-18-2020 - National Association of Police Organizations endorses Trump after

                     endorsing Obama and Biden in 2008 and 2012

07-17-2020 - White House press sec. Kayleigh McEnany shreds Chicago Mayor Lori

                     Lightfoot: 'Dereliction of duty'

07-17-2020 - WaPo: Biden's Gun Control 'Terrible for Working Class Firearm Owners'

07-17-2020 - College Calls Police on Student Who Sent Email Mocking Diversity

                     Demands <Wait, you don't want the police around, but you do want the police. I know

                they don't teach those worthless skills like critical thinking in college anymore, but you

                have to make a choice.>

07-17-2020 - Black Portland Cop on BLM: Same Tactics Used Against My People

07-17-2020 - San Francisco Police Commission: Black Lives Matter Posters in all Stations

07-17-2020 - Fact Check: 'Redirecting' Police Funding is the Same as 'Defund the Police'

07-17-2020 - Man Accused of Punching NYPD Chief, Other Officers Released Without Bail

07-17-2020 - NYPD Chief Reacts After His Assailant Is Released Without Bail

07-16-2020 - Mayor de Blasio says NYC is 'safer' and 'better' since releasing inmates,

                     ignores skyrocketing crime rate <Proving yet again, he IS the dullest knife in the


07-16-2020 - Watch: Black Portland police officer describes racist treatment from white

                     Black Lives Matter protesters

07-16-2020 - Senator Hawley (R-MO) asks DOJ to investigate St. Louis prosecutor who

                      seized McCloskeys guns

07-16-2020 - Berkeley Slashes Police Budget by 50% – No More Traffic Stops

07-16-2020 - Missouri's Republican Governor Backs the McCloskeys' Right to Defend


07-16-2020 - West Virginia U. Police Chief Faces Calls for Firing over Pro-Police Flag in


07-16-2020 - Democrats Advance Bill That Will Slash ICE Funding And Block Trump's

                     Illegal Immigrant Policy

07-16-2020 - ‘Karen is getting police powers’: Berkeley, Calif. moves forward with plan to

                      have unarmed civilians enforce traffic laws (what could POSSIBLY go


07-16-2020 - Embattled NYC Police Commissioner Finally Admits Things Have 'Gone Too


07-16-2020 - Berkeley to have unarmed civilians perform traffic stops

07-16-2020 - Washington Post Tries to Defend Biden by Spinning 'Defund the Police'

07-16-2020 - Mayor Lori Lightfoot: Chicago Needs More Gun Control

07-15-2020 - Violent BLM Protester Kills Police Officer In Washington State - Ignored by

                     Leftist Media

07-15-2020 - National Association of Police Organizations Ditches Biden, Endorses Trump

07-15-2020 - National Association of Police Organizations President: Vote to Endorse

                     Trump 'Overwhelming'; Biden Passed on Chance to Talk to Us

07-15-2020 - How the Media Created a Society That Accepts Refusing Service to Police


07-15-2020 - Attorney General Barr Details How DOJ is Taking Down MS-13 Nationwide

07-15-2020 - Protesters Attack and Bloody NYPD Officers in Broad Daylight

07-14-2020 - Trump Denounces ‘Anti-Cop Crusade,’ Hears From Families Helped by Law


07-14-2020 - President Trump Warns of 'Incredible' Backlash Over Crime Ridden

                     Democrat Cities

07-14-2020 - NYPD Chief of Department: Police 'Fearful' of Being Arrested for Being


07-13-2020 - NYC Weekend: Shooting Victims Exceed Coronavirus Deaths<And so it


07-13-2020 - AOC Hilariously Blames Skyrocketing Crime in NYC to People's Need to

                     "Shoplift Some Bread"<Once again, the Airhead On Crack is showing us her


07-13-2020 - Obama-Appointed Judge Blocks U.S. from Resuming Federal

                     Executions <Well of course, who didn't see that coming?>

​07-13-2020 - U.K. Court Documents: Steele Told FBI Clinton Knew He Was Compiling

              the Dirty Dossier <And what have we been saying for almost 4 years???>

07-12-2020 - Missouri attorney general slams St. Louis prosecutor in McCloskey case for

                     'politically motivated decisions'

07-12-2020 - Report: Chilling Long-Lost FBI Docs Accurately Predicted the Left’s Plot to

                     Destroy America

07-11-2020 - Back the Blue Rallies happening nationwide despite 'Defund the Police'

07-11-2020 - ​L.A. teachers union says schools can't reopen unless charter schools get                             shut down, police defunded

07-11-2020 - Obama Commuted The Sentence of an Unrepentant Terrorist

​​07-11-2020 - Citing coronavirus, California may release up to 18,000 prisoners by the

                     end of August

07-11-2020 - Protests erupt over Detroit police shooting — then police chief destroys

                     narrative with video footage

07-11-2020 - St. Louis police serve warrant & confiscate rifle from ‘Ken & Karen’ couple

                     who brandished guns at BLM protesters<Is it any surprise that the city

                prosecuting circuit attorney is a Soros toady?>

07-10-2020 - Majority of Seattle Council Wants to Cut Police Funding by 50% <Recreational

                marijuana is legal in Washington.  Coincidence??>

07-10-2020 - OKC city councilwoman under fire for comparing police who kill Black

                     people to Timothy McVeigh

07-10-2020 - Mexican-American Runs Down & Kills Motorcycle Rider - Targets Him

                     Because White People Ride Harley Davidsons

07-10-2020 - Seattle City Council Backs Call to Defund the Police by 50%

​07-10-2020 - Biden's Policing Policies Will Endanger Police, Raise Crime Rates, and Hurt


07-10-2020 - This Week in Policing Reform: Hawaii Lifts Police Secrecy, Civilian Oversight

                     Boards Make Ballots in Miami and Philadelphia 

​07-10-2020 - Five Guys Employees Fired After Refusing Service to Police Officers

07-10-2020 - ‘All who don’t kowtow to BLM must be destroyed’ – this new Inquisition

                     wants to dismantle the America we know

07-09-2020 - Democrat 'Policing Reform' Would Increase Abortions, End Prisons

07-09-2020 - AG Barr launches Operation Legend, federal crackdown on violent crime in

                     U.S. cities

07-09-2020 - Pro-Police, Vietnam Vet Has Message For Democrats AOC, Omar, Tlaib,

                     Pelosi and Schumer: “You don’t give a damn about black people...You turn

                     my stomach, you Democratic, radical leftist, Socialistic scum” [VIDEO]

07-09-2020 - Conspiracy FACT: Soros-funded prosecutors let rioters go but declare

               not agreeing with Black Lives Matter to be a ‘hate crime’

07-09-2020 - Ford CEO backs 'commitment to police' after calls to curb vehicle

                     production for forces <FINALLY, a corporate CEO with some Spaldings!!  Sadly, the

                board of directors will probably fire him over this.>

07-09-2020 - NYPD limits retirement applications amid 400 percent surge this week

07-09-2020 - Retired Police Officers Launch PAC to Elect Pro-Police Candidates

07-08-2020 - Violence Surges in Many Cities as Dem Officials Push Defunding Police

07-08-2020 - 'They become the enemy': Trump campaign hits Biden police comments

07-08-2020 - D.C. Council Votes to End Police Involvement in Public School Security

                <Yeah,....Lemme know how that works out for you.>

07-08-2020 - LISTEN: Rule of Race Now Trumping Rule of Law

07-08-2020 - WATCH: San Francisco Supervisor Introduces 'CAREN Act' to Stop Racist 911


07-08-2020 - Kanye West: Removing God and Prayer from Schools Meant More Drugs,

                     Murders, Suicide

07-08-2020 - 4 Gun Stocks to Buy in the Wake of Defunding Police, Looting and


07-08-2020 - Asian-American researcher fired from Michigan State administration for

                     advancing facts about police shootings

07-08-2020 - Congressional Democrat 'Squad' Backs Bill to Gut Police, End ICE, DEA

                     and Prisons

07-08-2020 - Shootings Triple in Mayor de Blasio's (D) New York City

07-08-2020 - D.C. Passes ‘Emergency’ Police Reform, Gives Voting Rights to the

07-08-2020 - 300 LAPD officers called in sick during July 4th weekend​
07-08-2020 - Biden says some funding should 'absolutely' be redirected from police
07-08-2020 - Watch: Joe Biden says police ‘become the enemy’ when they respond to 
                     situations requiring armored vehicles

07-08-2020 - LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva Says Sharing Criminal Illegal Alien Info 

                     With ICE is “Selling Them Out” for “Trump Blood Money” <Another

                public official who needs a remedial class in the Constitution and the U.S. Code!!!>

​07-07-2020 - Shootings And Killings Surge In Democrat-Run Cities Across the


07-06-2020 - At Least 9 Shot Dead Sunday in Mayor de Blasio's Gun-Controlled NYC

07-06-2020 - NYTimes: 'Nothing to See' as Murders Spike 22 Percent Amid Protests

​07-06-2020 - Investigative Journalist: Here's How Blue States Implemented a ‘De Facto’

                     Gun Ban on New Residents

07-06-2020 - Alyssa Milano Pushes Black Lives Matter Effort to Defund LAPD by 90

                     Percent <A glittering jewel of colossal ignorance who isn't even qualified to sweep the

                floors that police officers walk on.> VIDEO: Sen. Ted Cruz debates Milano on
 <Apparently she learned nothing and her brain still rattles around in her
                little pin head like a BB in a boxcar!  I think she would be qualified to host The View,

07-06-2020 - 7 Killed, 24 Wounded in Philadelphia Gun Violence over July 4th Weekend

07-02-2020 - Democrat hypocrisy: Private Security for Themselves, Defund Police and

                     Banning Carrying Concealed Handguns for Others

07-02-2020 - Survey: 8-in-10 Police Officers Would Not Recommend Becoming a Cop

07-02-2020 - CNN: Shootings, Murder Surge in Democrat-Controlled Cities <Not even the

                Communist/Clinton News Network can deny it now!!!>

​07-02-2020 - NYPD Police Retreat From Taunting City Hall Protesters

07-02-2020 - Virginia Democrats propose lowering assault on police officer from felony

                      to misdemeanor

07-02-2020 - The Lunacy of Ending Qualified Immunity for Police Officers

07-01-2020 - Media Ignores Facts to Claim a Trump Gotcha in Democrat Run/Crime

                     Ridden Cities Comment

​​07-01-2020 - Mayor Lightfoot's (D) Gun-Controlled Chicago: 75 Percent Increase in

                     Shootings in June

​07-01-2020 - L.A. School Police Chief Resigns After School Board Defunds Police by 35%

​07-01-2020 - New York City Police Union Highlights Graffiti Calling for 'More Dead Cops'

06-30-2020 - Dead-wrong Democrats: Anti-cop policies are killing Americans

06-29-2020 - Oklahoma Authorities Charge Alleged Rioters With Terrorism: ‘This Is Not


06-29-2020 - DA charges violent protesters in Oklahoma City with 'terrorism,' 'rioting,'

                     and 'assault'

06-29-2020 - Washington Post: 17 of 20 Most Violent Cities Are Run by Democrats

06-29-2020 - More than 60 People Shot, 16 Killed, in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

06-28-2020 - ​Far-Left 'Defund Police' Efforts Fueling Gun Sales, Perhaps Creating 2A 


06-28-2020 - At Least 20 Shot, 7 Killed, in 24 Hours in Mayor Lightfoot's Chicago

06-27-2020 - Top 20 most violent cities run by Democrats

06-27-2020 - 272 NYPD cops file for retirement since Floyd protests

​​06-27-2020 - Democrats Can't Condemn Violence, Including Violence Against Police

06-27-2020 - Minneapolis Spending $1000s on Security Detail for 3 Council Members

06-26-2020 - WATCH: Comedian Chris Rock's Years-Old Sketch on Police Brutality

              Should Be Required Viewing for 'Woke' Generation

06-25-2020 - Ninety Percent of New York’s Criminals Being Set Free Due to Bail Reform

06-25-2020 - Oakland Abolishes School Police Department <Hellllooo mayhem!!!>

06-25-2020 - WATCH: Black police officer drops some truth bombs on liberal white chick

                     blathering about systemic racism <She probably went to publik skool.>

06-25-2020 - WATCH: BLM Protesters Insult And Attack Black Cops

06-25-2020 - Seattle Leaders Allow Rioting While Strictly Enforcing Parking And Taxes

06-24-2020 - America’s Top 20 Cities for Crime, and What Party Runs Them

06-24-2020 - Another Hate Crime Hoax: Black Man Was the Person Who Wrote "It's Hang a

                     N***er Month" on College Walls

06-24-2020 - BLM Founder Mentored by Ex-Domestic Terrorist Worked with Bill Ayers

06-24-2020 - Beware The Woke Mob Is Targeting You Next Small Town America

06-24-2020 - CBS, NBC News did NOT cover Democrats blocking police reform tonight

06-23-2020 - Minneapolis police union: We’re being scapegoated by “incompetent …

                     failed” civic leaders

06-23-2020 - Report: NYC Shootings Surge 358% over Same Time Last Year

06-23-2020 - Gun Violence Spikes in N.Y.C., Intensifying Debate Over Policing

06-22-2020 - Black Lives Matter Co-Founder in 2015: 'We Are Trained Marxists'

06-22-2020 - Why So Few Arrests? Police Stand by as Vandals Tear Down Statues

06-21-2020 - Austin, TX Police Arrest 20-Year-Old In Connection With Attack on Police

                     HQ,Flag Burning UPDATED

06-20-2020 - Austin, TX Protesters Storm Police HQ, Haul Down American, Texas Flags.

                     They Also Burned Them

06-19-2020 - Shootings surge in NYC amid disbanding of NYPD’s plainclothes anti-crime


06-19-2020 - LISTEN:  Dr. John R. Lott On The Michigan Talk Network Regarding His 06-

                     03-2020 Article: Liberal Politicians Who Order Police To Stand Down And

                     Defund Police Are The Same People Who Want To Ban Guns

06-17-2020 - NYC Judge Frees Alleged Looter Who 74-Yr Old Granny Helped NYPD To

                     Find After He Bashed Cop's Head Open During Violent George Floyd Riots 

06-16-2020 - How Defunding The Police Endangers Lives, Liberty, And Property

06-15-2020 - Harvard Prof: Defunding the Police Could Cost Thousands of Black

              Lives <That Prof better have tenure or he's fired!>

06-15-2020 - Over 30 Shot, Two Killed, Over Weekend in Gun-Controlled Chicago

06-15-2020 - NYPD Disbands Plainclothes Units Involved in Many Shootings <Proof-

                positive that Comrade DeBlasio IS the dullest knife in the drawer!>

06-15-2020 - NYPD to Eliminate Plainclothes Anti-Crime Unit Despite Crime Surge

06-14-2020 - My Name Is Joe O’Biden, And I Am Here To Defund the Police! 

06-13-2020 - Dems' Push to Defund Police Creates Communities of Chaos

06-13-2020 - Dr. John R. Lott:  Academia’s Push to Fire Even the Few Academics Who

                     Don’t Tow the Leftist Line     More Info Here

06-12-2020 - Co-worker Recants Story About Derek Chauvin and George Floyd Conflict

06-12-2020 - What If Police Officers Go on Strike?

06-12-2020 - Austin City Council Votes Unanimously to Partially Defund Police

06-12-2020 - LISTEN: Dr. John R. Lott On The Bill Martinez Show: On The Aftermath Of

                     The George Floyd Death In Minneapolis(Liberal politicians who order police

                     to stand down are the same people who want to ban guns)

06-11-2020 - The job of a cop is extremely tough

06-11-2020 - George Floyd Criminal Past Record/Arrest History/Career Timeline:

                        Baggie, Gun Pregnant and All Details

06-11-2020 - Amazon Bans Police from Using Its Facial Recognition Tech

​06-11-2020 - George Washington University Apologizes for Sharing Email About Police

                      Recruitment Fair <Oh, did poor little snowflakes get triggered???>

06-11-2020 - Clinton-Appointed Judge: 'Illegal' to Arrest Illegal Aliens at NY

                     Courthouses <Is anyone surprised by that ruling??  Hey judge, you might want to

                brush up on your U.S. Code - standby to be overturned, you dipstick!>

06-10-2020 - The Full Truth About Race and Policing

06-10-2020 - Sister of slain cop: 'Where is the outrage for a fallen officer that also

                     happens to be African-American?'

06-10-2020 - A&E Cancels 'Live PD'

06-10-2020 - 'Cops' Cancelled After 30-Year Run as Anti-Police Sentiment Sweeps

                      Through Hollywood <By all means, please, keep shooting yourselves in the feet -

                 who needs ad revenue anyway??>

​06-10-2020 - WATCH: Pelosi Denounces 'Porice Blutality', 'Supplutes' Dem

                     Colleagues  <Hmmm, spending too much time with Mr. Smirnoff again, I see...>

06-10-2020 - WATCH: Celebrities Bail Out Rioters and Looters - PragerU

06-10-2020 - Soros-Linked Groups: 'End and Cease' All Federal Funding of Police

06-10-2020 - Shootings Surge, Murders up over 100 Percent as Protesters Flood NYC

06-10-2020 - Fake News and Fake Politics about Policing

06-10-2020 - LISTEN:  Dr. John R. Lott On The Michigan Talk Network: Discussing The

                     Actual Facts About The Alleged Racism Of Police And The Bias In The Media

06-10-2020 - 'Woke' Economists Demand Professor Resign from Journal for Criticizing

                     'Defund the Police'

06-10-2020 - Repudiate the Anti-Police Narrative - Heather Mac Donald

06-10-2020 - ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Website Removed By Media Company After

              Complaints from Employees

06-09-2020 - WashPost Hides 60 Percent Cut in Police Shootings from 2015 to 2019

06-09-2020 - Los Angeles: Homicides Soared 250%, Shootings 56%, During Protest Week

06-09-2020 - Justice for Capt. David Dorn (St. Louis PD, Ret.)? Man accused of killing

                     retired black cop never served a day of 7-year sentence

06-09-2020 - Why the New York Times Capitulated on the Senator Tom Cotton Article
06-09-2020 - Arizona State Revokes Job Offer After Professor Praises 'Good Police

                     Officers' <What happened to free speech and open exchange of ideas?  Well, ASU

                used to be a great school.>

06-08-2020 - Let’s Look At The Actual Facts About The Alleged Racism of Police

06-08-2020 - Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot In Expletive-Filled Fight with Alderman over

                        Black Lives Matter Riots

06-07-2020 - Statistics reveal police shoot and kill twice as many white suspects as

              African American suspects. Here are the facts

06-07-2020 - LISTEN: Dr. John R. Lott On Armed American Radio: About What Are People

                     Supposed To Do When The Police Are Told That They Have To Stand Down

                     And Violence Erupts

06-06-2020 - COURT DOCUMENTS: George Floyd Profile Reads Like A Career Criminal

06-06-2020 - Maven Media staffers call for shutdown of Blue Lives Matter

              website <Wouldn't you just love to work with a bunch of weenies like these??>

06-05-2020 - WATCH:  Candace Owens gives George Floyd Facts

06-05-2020 - New York and California Freed Thousands of Criminals and the Riots Began

​06-03-2020 - Liberal politicians who order police to stand down are the same people who

                     want to ban guns     LISTEN

06-03-2020 - Horowitz: New America: Cops get punished for self-defense; rioters set free

06-02-2020 - Over 400 NYC Looters to Be Freed from Jail Thanks to 'Bail Reform'

06-02-2020 - 6 Cities Where Looters Are Ransacking Minority-Owned Businesses <Hint:

                They're all cities or states controlled by Democrats.>

​06-02-2020 - Park Police Calls Out Fake News: Authorities Did Not Use Tear Gas to Clear

                     Protesters from Lafayette Park, Some Attacked Police

05-29-2020 - Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot: My Message to Donald Trump Is 'F You'

​05-22-2020 - Joe Biden: 'No One Should Be Going to Jail for Drug Crime, Period'

05-14-2020 - Joe Biden: Illegal Immigration Is “A Gift” To The U.S.

05-06-2020 - USA Today Admits ‘More Guns, Less Crime’ Is True

04-24-2020 - The ADL's extremism statistics make it seem like ultraright-wing violence in

                     the US is more common than it actually is

04-14-2020 - ​Defensive Gun Uses By Those Legally Carrying Guns: Dramatic Cases From

                     The Middle Of August To The Middle Of September 2019

04-06-2020 - Shocking Analysis Of Murder Data In Baltimore: 82% Of Victims Have

                        Criminal Record, 81% Of Suspects Have Criminal Record, Average Victim

                        Had 10.8 Arrests

​​03-13-2020 - National Alert: Champaign Illinois First Locality to Cite “Emergency Powers”

                     to Ban Gun Transfers

02-10-2020 - AG Barr Files Suits Against New Jersey, Washington Sanctuary Politicians

01-23-2020 - San Francisco D.A. Announces End to Cash Bail

01-14-2020 - Project Veritas–Bernie Campaigner: Police Will Get ‘F***ing Beaten' at DNC

​01-15-2020 - Even when sober, frequent marijuana users are dangerous drivers, report


01-05-2020 - Embracing ‘no-bail’ law is Cuomo’s first huge political mistake as gov

12-02-2019 - 21 Reasons Not To Believe Christine Balsey Ford’s Claims About Justice


12-01-2019 - Under Progressive Policing, Transit Crime Surges in NYC, SF

11-17-2019 - Obama Granted Clemency to Terrorists and Traitors, But We're

              Supposed to be Angry at Trump's Pardons

10-10-2019 - WATCH: ICE Director Slams New Jersey A.G. for Hindering Arrests of

                     Criminal Illegals

10-07-2019 - Who’s really behind all the political violence?  Is the popular narrative about

                     right-wing terrorism justified?

09-30-2019 - FBI: Over 5 Times More Killed with Knives than Rifles <What's this???  Knife

                violence???  We need more knife control!!!>

09-15-2019 - VIDEO: Joe Biden: "Hell yes" I'd Appoint "Fully Qualified" Obama to the

                      Supreme Court

09-14-2019 - New Study Shows Police at Highest Risk for Suicide of Any Profession

​09-09-2019 - Serious Violence at Places of Worship in the U.S.—Looking at the Numbers

09-03-2019 - Crimes by Illegal Immigrants Widespread Across U.S.—Sanctuaries

                        Shouldn’t Shield Them

08-28-2019 - Black Student Leader to Joe Biden: Why Should Blacks Trust Democrats


08-22-2019 - CBS News: NYPD commissioner opens up about "difficult" decision

                     to fire Daniel Pantaleo

08-19-2019 - NYT: Daniel Pantaleo, Officer Who Held Eric Garner in Chokehold, Is Fired

06-25-2019 - ​National Sheriffs’ Association Calls For Marijuana Rescheduling
06-25-2019 - National Sheriffs' Association: Legal marijuana causing more crime,

                     accidents - Oppose legalization for recreational use

06-24-2019 - Analysis: Breaking Down Congress’s Vote To Protect Legal Marijuana States

                     From Federal Enforcement
05-20-2019 - WATCH: Joe Biden in 2007 Vowed to Ban Sanctuary Cities for Illegal Aliens

05-10-2019 - Biden in 2006: U.S. Needs Border Fence to Stop 'Tons' of Drugs From


04-08-2019 - Smollett Drama: Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) Calls Chicago Police 'Sworn

              Enemy of Black People'  <Yep, the same Bobby Rush who is an Army deserter,

                convict (who served time for weapons charges, no less), Black Panther Party member,

                & Communist sympathizer.....and STILL a Congressman, Democrat, of course> 

03-31-2019 - Off Duty Cop Attacked For Wearing MAGA Hat. This Is His Response.

03-20-2019 - People who smoke high-potency pot daily are nearly five times more likely

                     to develop psychotic disorders, study shows

03-20-2019 - States rush to legalize marijuana even as evidence of its harms grows

03-19-2019 - Stop ignoring the brutal downside of legal pot

02-22-2019 - Body Cam Video They Don’t Want You To See: Arizona Cop Takes

                     Down Knife-Wielding Jihadis

​02-13-2019 - Faking Hate-crime Statistics, ADL Claims “Right-wing” Violence Greatest


02-13-2019 - Smoking cannabis in your teens IS linked to depression in later life as it

                     'damages brain' - U.K Daily Mail

02-03-2019 - SCAAP Data Suggest Illegal Aliens Commit Crime at a Much Higher Rate

                        Than Citizens and Lawful Immigrants

01-10-2019 - California pot taxes lag as illegal market flourishes, AP

01-03-2019 - Judge: Broward Schools, Police Had No Duty to Protect Students During

                        Shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL

​11-27-2018 - About Those ADL "Right-Wing Violence" Statistics

11-14-2018 - FACT CHECK: Do Illegal Immigrants Commit Crime at a Lower Rate than US-

​                        Born Citizens?

10-18-2018 - Marijuana Legalization: Stoned Driver Crash Risk Grows as Legal Pot

                     Spreads in the U.S. - Bloomberg article

08-29-2018 - New CPRC Research: How A Botched Study Fooled The World About The U.S.

                     Share Of Mass Public Shootings: U.S. Rate Is Lower Than Global Average -

                     Dr. John R. Lott

06-29-2018 - Illegal Immigrants Are Far More Likely to Commit Serious Crimes Than the

                        U.S. Public    

05-07-2018 - Yes, NPR: Illegal Immigration Does Increase Violent Crime

04-09-2018 - Marijuana linked to 'unbearable' sickness across US as use grows following


04-06-2018 - ​Legal cannabis on pace to match U.S. soda sales by 2030
04-04-2018 - Breaking out . . . Why I quit my job as an Austin, TX police officer and I’m

                     not looking back

03-28-2018 - California Officials Say Marijuana Legalization Causing More Violent Crime

03-21-2018 - Are There Risks From Secondhand Marijuana Smoke? Early Science Says Yes
03-14-2018 - Why is George Soros Buying District Attorneys?

03-14-2018 - Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America

12-28-2017 - The Truths That Democrats Who “Want A Revolution” Need to Realize

12-26-2017 - Donald Trump Pays for Christmas Dinner for Hundreds of Law

                     Enforcement Members Working the Holiday

12-16-2017 - Minneapolis PD Eliminates Most Psych Evals To Avoid 'Discrimination'

11-29-2017 - Honolulu Police Order Medical Marijuana Cardholders to Surrender Their


11-23-2017 - Lock Up Lois Lerner (IRS/Tea Party targeting scandal under the Obama


​11-22-2017 - Bridgeport, CT PD Chief Bans Cops From Having 'POLICE' On Uniforms

11-13-2017 - The 30 cities with the highest murder rates in the US

10-16-2017 - 61% Increase Law Enforcement Officers Killed 2016, AG Jeff Sessions

                      Calls Increase 'Unacceptable'

10-16-2017 - FBI: Over Four Times More People Stabbed to Death Than Killed with Rifles

                     of Any Kind

10-10-2017 - Fact Check On Number Of Mass Shootings

10-06-2017 - Are white males responsible for more mass shootings than any other


​09-18-2017 - What Do Mass Shooters Have in Common? (Hint: It's Not Gun Type or


09-07-2017 - Paul Harvey's "The Policeman"
09-07-2017 - When to Say No to a Police Officer

09-04-2017 - The 14 Duty-to-Retreat States

08-20-2017 - Telltale Signs That Someone Should Not Be Trusted

08-26-2017 - Congress Quietly Passed A Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches of Homes -

                     Only 1% Opposed It 

08-09-2017 - WATCH: Gym Owner Who Banned Cops And Soldiers Calls Them 'Enemy


08-07-2017 - Marijuana devastated Colorado, don’t legalize it nationally - USA Today 

07-20-2017 - Five Points About the Politics of Police Work in America Today
07-20-2017 - Violent Crime up 18 Per Cent, Biggest Rise in 10 Years

07-18-2017 - Phoenix PD's Sanctuary City Proposal Could Trigger Spike in Violence,

                      Say Officers

04-25-2017 - Murders In US Very Concentrated: 54% Of US Counties In 2014 Had Zero

                        Murders, 2% Of Counties Have 51% Of The Murders - Dr. John R. Lott

04-05-2017 - Taser/Axon plans to offer free body cameras to every police officer in

                     the United States

04-03-2017 - ACLU Calls for School Police Officers to Go Unarmed Because Guns Send a

                     ‘Negative Message’

01-20-2017 - Obama used clemency power more often than any president since


01-18-2017 - Obama shortened prison sentences for hundreds of drug offenders in his

                     final days in office - more than the last 12 Presidents COMBINED

01-17-2017 - Ferguson Effect is Real, Police Survey Finds

01-11-2017 - Pew Survey:  Police Support Gun Rights Over Control by 3-to-1 Margin

01-07-2017 - Mass Shootings Under Obama Surge to 246.7% of His Predecessor Bush
01-06-2017 - Obama Denies the Murder Wave on His Watch

07-01-2016 - Harvard Use of Force Analysis

04-16-2016 - UPDATED: Comparing Death Rates From Mass Public Shootings And Mass

                        Public Violence In The US And Europe - Dr. John R. Lott

01-20-2016 - The Myth of Wanton Police Shootings Collapses under the Weight of

              Facts Also read Heather Mac Donald's columns here or her book,

              "The War on Cops"  and many other articles and interviews here

08-30-2016 - George Soros' quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system

07-11-2016 - Obama Hides Rising Murder Rates, and Hundreds of Dead Americans, in

                     Criminal Statistics

06-24-2016 - IRS Targeting Scandal: Citizens United, Lois Lerner And The $20M Tax Saga

                        That Won't Go Away

06-01-2015 - Ferguson ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Never Happened, But Networks Keep

                     Using It

05-23-2016 - Migrants Committing Disproportionately High Crime in Germany

05-09-2016 - Drug Dealing IS a Violent Crime, No Matter What Obama Says

04-16-2016 - Updated: Murder And Homicide Rates Before And After Gun Bans - Dr. John

                        R. Lott

07-13-2015 - Obama Commutes Sentences for 46 Drug Offenders

03-26-2015 - Four (Black) Cops Killed in Seven Days --Where's the Outrage?

11-27-2014 - Do black Americans commit more crime?

06-10-2014 - Are Most Mass Murderers Really White?

05-26-2014 - 10 Reasons Cops Should Use Body-Worn Cameras

03-31-2014 - Comparing Murder Rates And Gun Ownership Across Countries - Dr. John R.


Crime & Law Enforcement

This page was updated on October 4, 2024.