Arab-Israeli Conflicts

This page was updated on July 25, 2024


        Jews - 6-23-2020


07-22-2024 - Report: VP Kamala Harris Refuses (D) to Preside over Israeli PM Benjamin

                     Netanyahu's Address to Congress <She's a complete disgrace and now

                international embarrassment!>

01-07-2024 - WATCH: Police Bring Coffee to Anti-Israel Protesters 'Blockading' Toronto

                     Jewish Suburb

01-02-2024 - America’s mainstreaming of Hamas, antisemitism and terror

01-01-2024 - ‘I won’t sit with a Jew’: American Students tell of violence, antisemitism on


01-01-2024 - WATCH: IDF kills Hamas Nukhba commander who helped lead October 7


01-01-2024 - Full extent of Hamas's sex crimes on October 7 may never be known -

                     Telegraph probe

12-30-2023 - Kenyan reverend: UN ‘obsessed’ with Hamas war, ‘hates Jews’

12-30-2023 - IDF Rescues Palestinian Civilians from School Used by Hamas for Attacks

12-29-2023 - Pro-Palestinian Crowd Protests at World Trade Center, Site of 9/11 Terror

12-28-2023 - NYTimes: Hamas Tortured, Raped Israeli Women at Several Sites in October

                        7 Attack

12-27-2023 - Israelis hear drilling, feel shaking amid West Bank terror tunnel fears

12-25-2023 - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) sends out anti-Israel message on

                     Christmas eve, critics push back

12-25-2023 - Young U.S. Muslims are rising up against Israel in unlikely places

12-25-2023 - WATCH: Terrorist Fires at Israeli Troops from Within School in Gaza

12-24-2023 - Several Islamists Arrested over Christmas Terror Attack Plot on Cologne


12-20-2023 - Support for Israel drops as Gaza invasion rages on: poll

12-16-2023 - ABC News Refutes Biden's Claim of Israel 'Indiscriminate Bombing'

12-14-2023 - Hamas plot to carry out terror attack on Jewish institutions in Europe is

                     foiled as arrests are made in Germany and Holland - after similar raids took

                     place in Denmark

12-11-2023 - WATCH Harvard Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz (D):  The people of Gaza are

                        NOT innocent civilians

12-07-2023 - Biden White House Scrubs Ties to CAIR After Leader's Pro-Hamas, Pro-

                     Terror Rant

12-07-2023 - Video Emerges of CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad 'Happy' at October

                     7 Terror Attack

12-05-2023 - CNN Downplays Low Ratio of Palestinian Civilians to Terrorists Killed

12-01-2023 - Blue State Blues: Pro-Palestinian Intellectuals Continue to

                      Justify Terror Against Civilians

11-15-2023 - BBC Apologises After Reporting Israeli Soldiers Were Targeting ‘Medical 

                     Teams and Arab Speakers’

​11-12-2023 - Pro-Terror Teenagers Admit They Learned to Hate Israel on China's TikTok,

                        Zuckerberg's Instagram

11-10-2023 - Blue State Blues: 50 Years of Excuses for Palestinian Terror Are Enough

11-10-2023 - 'Woke' Joint Chiefs Chair General Brown Pressures Israel to Give Up on

                      Eliminating Hamas

11-10-2023 - Harvard Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz (D): Obama Has Always Had a 'Deep

                        Hatred' of Israel in His Heart <But Barack is a liberal - he has love and tolerance

                for everyone!!  NOT!!!!>

11-08-2023 - Sen. Warner (D-VA): Need Pause to Show Israel Can Follow Rules of

                     War <And what about Hamas, Senator????>

11-08-2023 - Hamas Leaders to NY Times: No Interest in Helping Palestinians in Gaza,

                     Want 'Permanent' War Against Israel

​11-08-2023 - Fans Unfollowing Hollywood Celebrities in Droves over Their Israel Remarks

11-06-2023 - Report: UNRWA Staff Praised Hamas Terror Attack of October 7; Biden

                     Restored Funding in 2021

11-06-2023 - PHOTOS – Anti-Israel Protesters Desecrate Monuments to American

                        Revolution Near White House: ‘Death to the USA’

11-05-2023 - Michael Savage Slams ‘Biggest Lie of Our Time’ on Palestine, Shows

                     Continuous Jewish Presence in Israel Since 1900 BC

11-04-2023 - Obama: 'All of Us Are Complicit to Some Degree' in 'Occupation,'

                     Hamas Terror<This joker really is a special kind of stupid!>

11-03-2023 - 'Zero tolerance': Unchecked harassment of Jews prompts financial threats

                     against elite colleges

11-01-2023 - Polls Showing Support for Israel Hide Some Ugly Truths And no one in the

                     Establishment Media dares to talk about them

10-31-2023 - WATCH: Harvard Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz (D): Israel has killed fewer

                        civilians than any other army in comparable wars.

10-23-2023 - Mother of Israeli Woman Murdered by Hamas: Pro-Palestinian Protesters Are

                     a 'Disgrace to Humankind'

10-23-2023 - Obama Criticizes Israel over Gaza: 'Don't Harden Palestinian Attitudes for


10-21-2023 - French Intelligence Finds Gaza Hospital Was Likely Struck by Palestinian

                        Rocket, No Evidence For Israeli Strike

10-18-2023 - Muslim Rep. 'Squad' Member Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) Repeats False Claim that

                     Israel Bombed Gaza Hospital in Speech to Pro-Palestinian Protesters

10-16-2023 - BBC Under Fire as Arabic Journalists Appear to Praise Hamas

10-13-2023 - Minnesota Woman Who Advocated for Palestinians Murdered by Hamas

10-13-2023 - Egypt's Sisi Refuses to Take in Palestinians: 'Must Remain on Their Land'

10-13-2023 - CNN's Tapper to Israeli Ambassador: 'How Can You Hold All 2.3 Million

                     Palestinians In Gaza Responsible' For Hamas?

10-13-2023 - Harvard Arab Alumni Association Calls on Members to Support Students

                     Who Signed Pro-Terror Statement

10-12-2023 - ‘Radical Muslim’ Yale Professor Defends Hamas Attack on Israel, Students

                        Call for Her Termination

10-12-2023 - France Bans Pro-Palestine Rallies, Will Arrest and Deport 'Trouble Makers'

10-12-2023 - Hamas Killed Daughter of Israeli Tech Magnate Who Hired Palestinians

10-12-2023 - 'Egypt Has Enough Refugees': Support for Palestinians from Arab Countries

                         Ends at Their Borders

10-11-2023 - 'Students for Justice in Palestine' Plans 'Day of Resistance'; Says Israeli

                         Civilians Legitimate Targets

10-11-2023 - WATCH: ‘Free Palestine’ Rally in Dearborn Cheers Hamas Genocidal Chant:

                     ‘From the River to the Sea’ Rep. from Sharpton’s National Action Network


10-11-2023 - Biden Restored over $700 Million to Jihadist-Linked U.N. Palestinian Agency

10-11-2023 - Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) criticizes Israel's offensive in Gaza, calls it

                         'serious violation of international law'

10-11-2023 - Hamas Horrors: Israel Confirms Babies, Toddlers ’Decapitated’… …

                        Children, Murdered in Front of Parents, Knives Left Inside Them

10-10-2023 - BLM Supports Hamas ‘Must Not Be Condemned… Desperate Act of Self-

                     Defense’ ‘Clear Parallels Between Black and Palestinian People’

10-10-2023 - Democrat Muslim Rep. & 'Squad' Member Rashida (MI) Tlaib

                        Displays Palestinian Flag Outside Congressional Office

10-10-2023 - Report: Israeli Soldiers Find Dead Babies After Palestinian Hamas Attack

10-08-2023 - US Weapons from Biden Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal Ended Up

                        in Palestinian Hands in the Gaza Strip

10-08-2023 - Harvard Students Stand with Palestinian Terrorists After Attack on Israel

10-08-2023 - Congressional Muslim 'Squad' Member-backed Democratic Socialist of

                     America hold rally for Palestine after deadly attack on Israel

10-08-2023 - ‘Death to Israel, Death to America’: Iran Throws Street Party to

                     Celebrate Palestinian Terror Spree

10-07-2023 - Palestinians Celebrate Massive Terror Attack Against Israeli Civilians

10-07-2023 - Palestinian Terrorists Kidnap, Kill Israeli Women and Children

09-28-2023 - Report: Biden State Department Gives $90,000 to Group Supporting

                        Palestinian Terror

​09-06-2023 - WATCH: Palestinian President Says Hitler Not an Antisemite, Jews Deserved


08-04-2023 - Muslim ‘Squad’ Rep. Rashida (D-MI) Ripped Over Attending Event

                        Celebrating Palestinian Terror, Israel’s Demise

07-17-2023 - Muslim Rep. 'Squad' member Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Says ‘No Way in Hell’ Will

                        She Attend Israeli President’s Speech to Congress

07-11-2023 - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Pans Biden over ‘Snubbing’ PM Netanyahu: 'Most

                        Relentlessly Anti-Israel’ Admin Ever

05-23-2023 - Palestinian Prime Minister Praises Murderers of Israeli Dee Women

05-15-2023 - 'Moderate' Palestinian Leader Abbas Compares Israel to Nazis at UN; Calls

                     for Expulsion of Jewish State

05-10-2023 - Palestinian Islamic Jihad Continues Shooting Rockets at Israel; No Ceasefire

​02-22-2023 - Funds Cut from American NGO over Donations to Palestinian Terror Group

01-30-2023 - Israel: Majority of Antisemitism Online Stems from Pro-Palestinian

                     Progressive Left

12-01-2022 - United Nations Adopts Resolution Calling Israel's Founding a 'Catastrophe'

11-15-2022 - Three Israelis Murdered, Five Wounded by Palestinian Terrorist; Shot by


11-14-2022 - Trump: Some American Jews 'Not Doing the Right Thing' for Israel, a

                      'Modern-day Miracle'

10-03-2022 - Biden Admin Charged with Pressuring Israel to Surrender to Hezbollah over

                     Maritime Dispute

09-21-2022 - Joe Biden Uses U.N. to Call for Palestinian State: They Are 'Entitled' to It

08-25-2022 - Joe Biden Rejects Urgent Phone Call from Israeli PM over Iran: 'On Vacation'

08-08-2022 - More Palestinians Died from Misfired Rockets than Israeli Strikes

07-10-2023 - Ahead of Mideast Trip, Biden Hails Restoring Funds to Palestinians After

                     Trump Cut Them

06-23-2022 - Court Rules Palestinian Government Must Pay $38 Million to Families of

                     Israeli Victims of Terror

05-15-2022 - Palestinian President Abbas Vows to Continue Paying Convicted Terrorists

                     ‘Pay for ‘Slay’

12-15-2021 - Report: Biden Backs Off Palestinian Consulate in Jerusalem

10-25-2021 - Report: Biden to Violate Vienna Convention, Open 'Consulate' for

                        Palestinians in Jerusalem

10-01-2021 - VP Office on Damage Control After Applauding Student Attacking Israel

09-30-2021 - Iranian Media Promotes VP Harris' Praising Student Accusing Israel of


09-29-2021 - WATCH: Kamala Harris Applauds Student Accusing Israel of 'Ethnic

                        Genocide,' for 'Speaking Your Truth'

09-21-2021 - Repubicans Slam House Democrats for Defunding Israel’s Iron Dome

09-21-2021 - Far-Left Democrats Force Funds for Israel's Iron Dome Out of Funding Bill

08-31-2021 - Ben & Jerry’s Board Chair Alleged to Siphon Funds to Own Anti-Israel Non-


08-29-2021 - Muslim Rep. & 'Squad' Member Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) Describes

                        Palestinian Terrorists as 'Loving' and 'Successful'

08-12-2021 - Biden Admin Charged with Coverup of Palestinian Support for Terror

07-19-2021 - Ben & Jerry’s ‘Israel-Obsessed’ Boycott Met with Swift Backlash

07-11-2021 - Israeli Victim's Family Slams Biden Administration for Siding with

                     Palestinian Terrorist

07-01-2021 - Report: Gaza Terrorist Rockets Killed More Palestinians than Israelis

​06-29-2021 - Palestinian Youth Camps Begin: Military Training for ‘Demise of Jews’

​06-18-2021 - Israel Sending 1M-Plus Coronavirus Vaccines to Aid Palestinians

06-17-2021 - California Public School Teachers: The Latest Dupes in the Campaign to

                        Demonize Israel

06-12-2021 - Pro-Palestinian Protesters Chant 'Allahu Akhbar,' Torch Israeli Flag in NYC

06-12-2021 - Michigan School Allows Student to Display 'Free Palestine' Flag at


​06-01-2021 - WATCH: Palestinian Government Releases Video of People Trampling

                        American Flag

05-28-2021 - Soros-Backed Group Tied to Violent Palestinian ‘Activists’ Bail Fund

05-26-2021 - List of “Pro-Palestinian” Violent Attacks On Jews In The U.S. and Canada

05-23-2021 - Dozens of Harvard Faculty Members Endorse Palestinian Terrorism

05-23-2021 - Vogue Model Tells People Not to Post Against Antisemitism;

                     Hurts Palestinian 'Struggle'

05-22-2021 - CNN Is Trying to Get You to Support the Palestinian Jihad

05-21-2021 - Biden Fails to Condemn Antisemitic Attacks by Pro-Palestinian Activists


05-21-2021 - NPR: For Left, Palestinian Cause Similar to Black Lives Matter Movement

05-21-2021 - BREAKING: Pro-Palestinian Mob Attacks Jewish Diners in NYC

05-20-2021 - WATCH: Pro-Palestinian Rioters Appear to Attack, Spit on Jews in New York


05-20-2021 - Biden Budget Restores Aid to Palestinians, Halted by Trump over Terror

05-20-2021 - Why Does the Left Seemingly Hate Israel?

05-19-2021 - Israel, Not Hamas, Is the Aggressor in the Eyes of the Left

05-13-2021 - Arab Riots Boil over in Israel: Shouts of 'Allahu Akbar' as Jewish Man


05-11-2021 - VIDEO: Arab Citizens Riot in Israel; Attack Jewish Neighbors, Synagogues

05-11-2021 - Trump: Palestinian War on Israel Provoked by Joe Biden's Weakness

​05-11-2021 - Palestinian Rockets Kill Several Arab Israelis, Including 7-Year-Old Girl

03-21-2021 - Report: Joe Biden Administration Plans 'Reset' with Palestinians

02-10-2021 - Biden Administration’s Haste to Resume Aid to Palestinians

12-21-2020 - Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Funds Hundreds of Millions in Aid to Palestinians

12-10-2020 - Trump Secures Another Peace Deal Between Israel And An Arab Nation

11-30-2020 - Democrat Nat’l Committeewoman Promotes Palestinian Islamic Jihad

                     Member on Social Media

08-27-2020 - Kenosha Rioters Vandalize Synagogue ('Free Palestine'), Church ('BLM')

​08-13-2020 - Palestinians Enraged at Israel-UAE Deal, So It Must Be Good

07-30-2020 - Indoctrinated in Hate: Palestinian Schools Are Typical Muslim Schools

07-20-2020 - Democrat National Committeewoman Memorializes Dead Palestinian Car-

                     Ramming Terrorist

06-23-2020 - Palestinian Official: Peaceful Annexation Resistance for Now, but Warns

                     'Our Fingers on Triggers'

02-03-2020 - End the Hoax: There Are No Palestinians

10-31-2019 - Jew-Hatred Exposed at University of Minnesota During National Students for

                     Justice in Palestine Conference

08-19-2019 - MELTDOWN: Atlantic's Beinart Goes Ballistic When Lowry Schools Him on

                        Palestinians, Terrorism

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