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Note: According to Business Insider, in 2018, the U.S. ranked 24th in science and 38th in math, yet somehow, these surveys continuously rank the U.S. #1 in education overall. Hmmm, I wonder who's doing their math? DOH!!!
Hillsdale College Free Online Courseson the Constitution, America's Founding, Founding Fathers and Western Culture. EXCELLENT!!!
and now: Hillsdale's 1776 Curriculum
Educational Resources For Children & Adolescents:
Be sure to see the Culture, Race & BLMpage of this website for more stories and resources to help you and your community eliminate the garbage being taught in our schools.
newsletter, The Lion)
See the Culture, Race, BLM page for info exposing the 1619 Project hoax and Critical Race Theory garbage.
09-05-2024 - 2025 College Free Speech Rankings - Hint: Harvard Ranked Last, AGAIN!
08-19-2024 - Forbes Spotlights Equal Protection Project In Cover Story About DEI
08-18-2024 - Expect “more aggressive protests and potentially violence this fall” on
06-19-2024 - Watchdog report claims UNC (Univ. of North Carolina) system spent more
05-23-2024 - UNC (Univ. of North Carolina) System Board of Governors Votes to
Dismantle $91 Million DEI Bureaucracy
05-14-2024 - Three More States Drop DEI Programs at their Public Universities
05-13-2024 - University of North Carolina Board Slashes DEI Funding, Diverts Money to
05-13-2024 - UNC (Univ. of North Carolina) Chapel Hill board votes to dismantle DEI
programs, use funds on campus police after anti-Israel protests
05-02-2024 - U. Minnesota Dept. of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies: A Vile Fount
03-18-2024 - ‘Progressive Politics 101’: Arizona State Univ. Forces Students to Learn
About ‘Microaggressions’ & ‘Privilege’
01-08-2024 - Skipping School: America’s Hidden Education Crisis
01-02-2024 - America’s mainstreaming of Hamas, antisemitism and terror
01-01-2024 - ‘I won’t sit with a Jew’: American Students tell of violence, antisemitism on
12-29-2023 - Dennis Prager: Corporate Media Fear One PragerU Video ‘Will Undo All the
Leftism’ of Years of Public School
12-27-2023 - Biden's FTC sues largest Christian university in US for deceptive advertising
12-26-2023 - Harvard Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz (D): Harvard Isn’t a Place of Learning
Anymore, It Won’t Be a ‘Great’ School with DEI
12-25-2023 - Texas school boards are voting on new measure that allows chaplains to
volunteer in schools <The educrat Commies are going to howl over this!!!>
12-14-2023 - Fairfax County, VA School Board Member Sworn in on ‘Banned’ Explicit
LGBTQ+ Books <Well, now, isn't that special.>
12-11-2023 - Christopher Rufo, CRT Expert: Harvard President Claudine Gay's Ph.D
Dissertation Violates School's Plagiarism Standards
12-06-2023 - Fmr Harvard President and Obama Economic Adviser Larry Summers:
Schools Are Reluctant to Confront Antisemitism Because 'Highly
Progressive’ Groups Are ‘So Large’
12-03-2023 - Biden rule takes lunch money from schools that reject progressive gender,
sexuality agenda <Yeah!! Religious families' kids can go hungry as far as 'devout Catholic' Biden is concerned>
12-02-2023 - Bill Maher: Trump Is Right that Schools Teach Kids to Hate America, That’s
Why Dem Staffers Are Protesting for Hamas
12-01-2023 - Blue State Blues: Pro-Palestinian Intellectuals Continue to Justify
11-10-2023 - Blue State Blues: 50 Years of Excuses for Palestinian Terror Are Enough
11-03-2023 - 'Zero tolerance': Unchecked harassment of Jews prompts financial threats
11-01-2023 - 'We will repeat October 7 again and again' - Hamas official
10-13-2023 - Harvard Arab Alumni Association Calls on Members to Support Students
Who Signed Pro-Terror Statement
10-12-2023 - ‘Radical Muslim’ Yale Professor Defends Hamas Attack on Israel, Students
10-11-2023 - 'Students for Justice in Palestine' Plans 'Day of Resistance'; Says Israeli
08-31-2023 - NYC Schools Enroll 20K Migrants, None Required to Show Proof of
08-31-2023 - Poll: Satisfaction with U.S. K-12 Education Ties Record Low
08-30-2023 - Colorado gov. calls student's Gadsden patch a 'teaching moment' as school
08-25-2023 - Texas Mom Refuses To Sign NDA To Visit Her Child’s Public School,
08-24-2023 - Student Refuses School’s Order to Remove American Flags from Truck,
Switches to Homeschooling<Good for him and his parents - he'll get a much
better education! You can shove it, anti-American, academe libtards!!>
08-22-2023 - Virginia school named in honor of Revolutionary War hero, Thomas Nelson,
08-21-2023 - New York AG, Ed Chief Push Joint Statement: Schools Can’t Ban ‘Lewdness’
08-16-2023 - Why college has become a total ripoff - John Stossel
08-14-2023 - As Tuition and Fees Soar, University of Oklahoma Features Drag Queen at
Freshman Orientation <OU is now Woke-U.>
08-14-2023 - Report: 44% of Wisconsin schools’ reading curriculum ‘doesn’t work’
08-11-2023 - Colleges on 'spending spree' when student loan debt is higher than ever:
08-10-2023 - Democrat-Run NYC Loses 11,900 Public School Kindergarteners<That's okay,
they needed to make room anyway for the illegal alien children that the taxpayers are
now on the hook to pay to educate because NY is a sanctuary state. Yeah, how's that
workin' out for ya', NY?? Not so good? Too bad, so sad. Here's a novel idea - STOP
08-04-2023 - Race Hoax: Florida State U. Fires Prof for Faking Data on 'Systemic Racism'
as Multiple Papers Are Retracted
08-03-2023 - Liberal Prof Says Kids Should Be Exposed To Adult Genitalia To Prepare For
Trans People In Their Bathroom
08-03-2023 - The Communists Are Spending Millions To Infiltrate Public K-12
Schools <We've known that since the 60's and now they are known as today's
08-01-2023 - How Mark Zuckerberg and Woke Big Tech Weasels Invaded American
07-30-2023 - GOP senators introduce bill to block taxpayer dollars for CRT at Department
07-30-2023 - REPORT: Not One 8th Grader at LeBron James' I Promise School Has Passed
07-20-2023 - Gov. Gavin The Newsom (D-CA) Wants Power to Fine School Districts That
07-18-2023 - College Racism - They'll Just Hide It Better - John Stossel
07-15-2023 - Harvard Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz: Bad Behavior by Schools Helped Create
Student Debt Issue, Harvard Runs, Charges Like a Huge Corporation
07-06-2023 - Colleges to implement 'adversity scores' in admissions after Supreme Court
rejected race-based admissions
06-16-2023 - Northwestern U. College Republicans Score Free Speech Win over Censor-
06-13-2023 - Massachusetts middle school students stage protest over pride event,
05-30-2023 - Chick-Fil-A Goes Woke? Applies For Membership With Diversity, Equity, And
05-30-2023 - Virginia eliminates degree requirements for most state jobs
05-30-2023 - Ohio Bill Would Roll Back DEI in State's Public Colleges and Universities
05-26-2023 - ‘Unstoppable tide’: NYC high schools are in complete disarray over rampant
05-25-2023 - New York Times Tries, Fails to Fact-check DeSantis on Book Ban Hoax
05-24-2023 - Religious families sue school district for allegedly subjecting their children
05-23-2023 - Surgeon General: Social Media Use Contributes to Youth Mental Health
05-23-2023 - Parents Sue Elite Schools For 'Indoctrinating' Their Kids With DEI 'Bait And
05-22-2023 - Report: More Parents Sue Elite Private Schools over 'Woke' Curriculum
05-14-2023 - Dave Chappelle Rips Democrat-Controlled San Francisco in Standup Set:
05-13-2023 - Elementary School Teacher Fired After Refusing to Use ‘Transgender’ 8-
05-09-2023 - I'm 'unschooling' my kids — why I won't teach them to read and write
05-04-2023 - Biden Ed Sec Says Low Civics Scores Show Students Need Critical Race
Theory <I don't think so, pretzel boy!>
05-01-2023 - Oklahoma lawmakers calling for University of Oklahoma (OU) president
(Joseph Harroz, Jr.) to be fired after 'Crimson & Queens' drag show
05-01-2023 - More Universities, Including the University of Oklahoma (OU) Jump on
Trend of Holding Race-Based Graduation Events <OU is now "Woke U!">
04-28-2023 - Guns Aren’t Causing America’s Violent Crime Problem, Single Mothers and
04-26-2023 - Report: No Attacks Have Occurred in Schools Where Teachers Are Armed
04-26-2023 - As OU (Univ. of Oklahoma) Pays Drag Queen $18,000, Lawmakers Call for
04-26-2023 - Schools Are Ditching Homework, Deadlines in Favor of ‘Equitable Grading’
04-25-2023 - University of Oklahoma (OU) plans to hold identity-based graduation
04-10-2023 - There have been no shooting attacks in schools where teachers can legally
04-07-2023 - 'Enough Is Enough:' Charlie Kirk Blasts Universities that Let Violent Leftists
04-05-2023 - University of Oklahoma (OU) Drag Show Declared One of Nation's
Largest <What an honor!>
03-14-2023 - Left-Wing Activists Smash Windows, Arrested at UC Davis Charlie Kirk Event
Violence Comes After Chancellor Prompted Students to ‘Neutralize and
Negate’ TPUSA
03-10-2023 - Report: NYC Mayor Eric Adams (D) Plans to Use Taxpayer Funds to Send
03-10-2023 - University of Notre Dame to Host Event on 'Queer Holiness' <Another great
university lost to woketardery!>
03-09-2023 - DePaul Univ. Students Petition for Christian Group to be Banned From
Campus Because Their Beliefs Don't Align With LGBTQ Lifestyle <Don't
worry, the lawyers from the ACLJ or ADF will set those dumbasses straight on the
First Amendment!>
03-09-2023 - Columbia University Eliminates SAT and ACT Requirements So They Can
Prioritize Diversity Over Academic Excellence <Parents save your money at this
one, too.>
02-24-2023 - FL Teacher Placed on Leave After Making White Students Pretend to be
Slaves… Kneel Down to Black Students in Black History Month Skit [VIDEO]
02-23-2023 - To Increase ‘Equity,’ This California High School Is Eliminating Honors
Courses <That's just great - dumb 'em down to the lowest common denominator!>
02-15-2023 - Oklahoma Universities to Spend over $10 Million on Diversity Agenda
02-01-2023 - College Board Backtracks on Woke AP Curriculum After DeSantis Criticism
01-31-2023 - Oklahoma Official Demands to Know 'Every Dollar' Spent on Woke DEI
12-10-2022 - Institutions of Lower Learning
11-11-2022 - The Systemic Racism of the Teachers Unions
10-13-2022 - Tudor Dixon: Michigan Students Have ‘Incredibly Low Reading Scores’
09-18-2022 - It’s Time to Roll Back Campus DEI Bureaucracies
09-07-2022 - Math, Reading Scores for 9-Year-Olds Steeply Declined During Pandemic
09-06-2022 - School District Settles With Coach Who Lost His Job After Objecting to
09-01-2022 - Pandemic Protocols, School Closures Caused Largest Learning Loss in 30
09-01-2022 - 72% of Top Medical Schools Use Racial Politics to Eliminate Applicants
07-26-2022 - Maryland schools won't tell parents if their child is changing gender identity
07-10-2022 - America First Legal Releases Documents Conclusively Proving Critical Race
Theory Indoctrination is Being Used in Public Schools
05-26-2022 - DISGUSTING: Sen. Chuck U. Schumer (D-NY) Blocks School Safety Bill
Supported By Parents Of School Shooting Victims... Then Lies About It
To Score Cheap Political Points
05-23-2022 - VIDEO: New “Racial Literacy Curriculum” for High School Pushes Social
Justice in Every Subject, Including Math
04-28-2022 - 'God gave kids to parents - NOT the government': Oklahoma governor leads
Republican fury at Biden for suggesting kids belong to teachers and the
administration when they enter the classroom
04-27-2022 - Republicans tear into the 'stupidity' of Biden considering cancelling all
student loan debt because it will raise taxes by $13,000 per person and
make inflation worse - and 65% of Americans don't have a college degree
02-24-2022 - Texas teacher on leave after reportedly caught saying: ‘Conservative
Christians need to get Covid and die’
02-21-2022 - Students Told to Disclose Who Their Parents Voted For
02-18-2022 - YOU GOT CANCELLED! Recalled San Francisco School Leader Blames ‘White
02-12-2022 - Are High School Graduates Ready for College? Studies Are Dismal - 60% Not
02-05-2022 - Wokeness and the dumbing down of America
02-02-2022 - New GA school district chair draws heat for pushing CRT, calling white
01-28-2022 - Report: Chicago Schools Train Teachers that Sex ‘Not Rooted in Biology,’
and to Hide ‘Preferred’ Pronouns from Parents
01-10-2022 - America’s Most Notorious Billionaire, George Soros, Leaves His Mark on the
World from a $2.3 Billion Education Behemoth to Racial Politics
12-10-2021 - WaPo Accuses Math Curriculums of ‘Racism’ — ‘The Other CRT’
12-06-2021 - Top Democrat Economist Says Woke Math Is a National Security Threat
11-21-2021 - University Of California To Permanently Remove Standardized Testing For
11-20-2021 - "They Laughed At The Parents" - Leaked Audio Reveals How California
Teachers Recruit Kids Into LGBTQ Clubs
11-16-2021 - FBI Whistleblower Reveals Biden DOJ Activated Counterterrorism Division
11-08-2021 - We Can't Wait for Universities to Fix Themselves. So We're Starting a
11-08-2021 - Audits Reveal U.S. School Boards Abusing COVID Relief Funds
10-29-2021 - Tennessee Top Ed Official Pushed California’s ‘Math Is Racist’ Plan
10-26-2021 - Watch: Berkeley students willingly donate funds to support terror group
09-11-2021- Syracuse Professor Jenn M. Jackson Trashes 9/11 Commentary, Says It Was An Attack on ‘Heteropatriarchal Capitalistic Systems’ Preferred By
White Americans <Syracuse, you need to fire this idiot!>
08-25-2021 - Research Cited to Show California Math Is ‘Racist’ Often Misrepresented
08-13-2021 - Gov. Kate Brown (D) signed a law to allow Oregon students to graduate
without proving they can write or do math. She doesn’t want to talk about
08-12-2021 - Oregon Democrats Resurrect the ‘Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations.’ A new
law allows students to graduate from high school without the ability to
07-21-2021 - Hillsdale College: Fight Back Against Critical Race Theory with Our Free
07-13-2021 - Public defender who opposed critical race theory being taught in NYC
schools claims she was forced out of her job at the Legal Aid Society
because 'she is white' and after 'McCarthy' style attack labeled her racist
07-13-2021 - Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley calls for 'every governor in the United
States' to BAN funding for critical race theory in schools
06-23-2021 - Now MATH is racist: Educators condemn $1M 'Dismantling Racism in
Mathematics' program funded by Bill Gates which tells teachers NOT
to push students to find the correct answer because it promotes white
06-21-2021 - 9-Year-Old On Fire, Tells School Board To Get The BLM Posters Out Of Her
06-20-2021 - VIDEO: Teenager Gives Brilliant Speech Against Critical Race Theory
06-18-2021 - Black Father Rips Critical Race Theory: ‘How Do I Have Two Medical Degrees
if I’m Sitting Here Oppressed?”
06-17-2021 - California Public School Teachers: The Latest Dupes in the Campaign to
06-12-2021 - Michigan School Allows Student to Display 'Free Palestine' Flag at
06-09-2021 - Iowa Governor Signs Law Targeting Critical Race Theory in Public Schools
06-08-2021 - Conservative Think Tank Provides Guide to Help Fight Critical Race Theory
06-03-2021 - “They’re gonna teach children to hate each other”...Florida Parents Fight
Back Against Critical Race Theory
06-02-2021 - BLM St. Paul Founder Who Quit Says Black Lives Matter Is ‘Racist’ Against
Black Children Over Charter Schools
06-01-2021 - Watch: Students Sign "Cancel Memorial Day" Petition: "It's A Celebration Of
US Imperialism And Colonialism" <Ahhh, publik ejukashun at its finest!>
06-01-2021 - Virginia teacher put on leave after speaking out against preferred pronouns
05-31-2021 - Will Eliminating Standard Tests Really Reduce Racial Disparities In
05-29-2021 - NYC's elite Dalton private school's parents enraged over ‘masturbation’
videos for first-graders <Even private schools aren't safe now from liberal
05-27-2021 - Parent Group Creates Guide For Fighting Critical Race Theory
05-23-2021 - Dozens of Harvard Faculty Members Endorse Palestinian Terrorism
05-11-2021 - Minnesota Black School Choice Movement ‘Explicitly Rejects’ U.S. Is Racist
05-07-2021 - Oklahoma Governor Signs Bill Banning Teaching of Critical Race Theory
04-29-2021 - Agitators Get Dirty To Push Institutional Racism In Texas’s No. 1 School
04-29-2021 - Father, Teacher Slam Elite Private Schools For Their Obsession With Race
04-29-2021 - WATCH: Professor Berates Student For Calling Police ‘Heroes’
04-29-2021 - VICTORY: Idaho Bans Critical Race Theory in Public Schools
04-29-2021 - Idaho Bans Teachers From Forcing Students To ‘Affirm’ Critical Race Theory
04-29-2021 - Stanford Student Government Candidate Says ‘White People Need To Be
Eradicated’ <If you have a recent degree from Stanford, you might want to call
Charmin - they will give you a few cents for it.>
04-28-2021 - Report: Teachers Unions Increased Funding For Democrats Who Thwarted
04-28-2021 - Critical Race Theory Is Finally About To Face The Music In Court
04-23-2021 - Virginia Eliminates Accelerated Math Courses Because Equity
04-22-2021 - Biden Admin Signals Intent to Push Critical Race Theory Under Guise of
04-21-2021 - Univ. of Texas Approves Identity Politics “Strategic Plan for Faculty
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity”
04-19-2021 - Megyn Kelly Offers Warning to Heads of Schools Pushing Critical Race
04-19-2021 - Biden Education Dept. Seeks to Prioritize Critical Race Theory and 1619
04-19-2021 - Website Will Allow North Carolina Parents and Teachers to Expose
Classroom Radicalism <Translated: Liberal wack-jobs can no longer hide and
continue to indoctrinate our children!!>
04-18-2021 - Woke Math And The Intentional Destruction Of Free, Independent Thought
04-16-2021 - Teachers Union Head Randi Weingarten Says Kids Can’t Go Back To School
Because Jews Have Too Much Privilege
04-15-2021 - California Education Dept. Considering Program to Fight Supposed Racism
04-15-2021 - California Weighs ‘Equitable Math’: Goal of Getting Correct Answer Racist
04-13-2021 - Men in Women's Sports Get Huge Boost as NCAA 'Unequivocally' Supports
04-06-2021 - Trees Are Now Racist? Portland, OR School Worries 'Evergreen' Mascot May
Be Linked to Lynching
04-05-2021 - Portland, OR high school's choice of new mascot — evergreen trees —
could be a problem due to lynching connotations, officials say
04-05-2021 - Portland, OR School Delays ‘Evergreens’ Mascot Vote Due to Fears It’s
Linked to Lynching
04-05-2021 - Trees Are Now Racist: Portland, OR School Delays Vote On ‘Evergreen’
Mascot Over Fears People May Link It To Lynching
04-05-2021 - Trees Are Now Racist: Portland School Delays Vote On ‘Evergreen’ Mascot –
Making a tree a mascot a concern because black Americans were once
hanged using trees
04-05-2021 - Civil Right Champion Lawyer Leo Terrell reacts to Portland, OR school
fearing 'Evergreens' mascot tied to lynching: “It devalues true racism”
04-05-2021 - Portland, OR School Delays Vote On 'Evergreen' Mascot Citing Trees As
04-03-2021 - Obama Gets Canceled: Illegal Aliens Fight Plan to Rename School After Him
04-01-2021 - Grassroots Rebellion Grows with New Calls to Ban Critical Race Theory from
03-25-2021 - Once Held Hostage By Teachers’ Unions, West Virginia Just Passed The
Nation’s Broadest School Choice Law
03-25-2021 - Top-Tier Illinois High School Hosting Critical Race Theory Indoctrination
03-25-2021 - Here’s Your Primer On Critical Race Theory, Now In A Town Near You
03-03-2021 - Here are the 'wrong' illustrations that got six Dr. Seuss books cancelled
03-01-2021 - UT Donors Threaten Boycott if School Cancels 'Eyes of Texas'
03-01-2021 - University of Texas alumni threaten to no longer donate amid controversy
surrounding school song, emails show
02-23-2021 - Math Suffers From White Supremacy, According to a Microsoft's Bill Gates-
02-19-2021 - School Officials to Biden: Banning Oil, Gas Leasing on Federal Land Harms
02-17-2021 - Microsoft's Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Behind ‘Anti-Racist’ Math
02-17-2021 -10 Worst Colleges for Free Speech: 2021
02-17-2021 - FIRE presents the 10 Worst Colleges for Free Speech: 2021
02-16-2021 - Judicial Watch Sues on Behalf of High School Coach Fired for Objecting to
BLM/Critical Race Theory Curriculum for Daughter’s 7th Grade History Class
02-13-2021 - 9 Professors Who Compared Trump, GOP to Hitler but Weren't Canceled
02-11-2021 - ACLU debunks 'myths' about trans athletes, claims trans girls do not have
02-10-2021 - White House defends order permitting trans athletes to compete in girls'
sports: 'Trans rights are human rights
02-05-2021 - Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA): Biden Will 'Radically Reset Relations' with Israel,
They'll 'Have to Recognize Palestinian Statehood'
02-04-2021 - ACLU declares ‘transgender myths DEBUNKED,’ says trans girls don’t have
any ‘unfair advantage’ in women’s sports
02-04-2021 - DOJ Drops Trump-Initiated Lawsuit Accusing Yale of Discrimination Against
02-03-2021 - Watch: Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) Blasts Biden Education Pick on “Bizarre”
01-22-2021 - What’s Next for 1776 Commission and the Fight to Preserve US History
01-21-2021 - Biden Signs Divisive Transgender Executive Order
01-11-2021 - Title IX Has Turned Universities Into Really Terrible Sex Police
01-08-2021 - Campus Reform | SURVEY: 63 percent of students at this school say gov't
should punish 'hate speech' <See, this is what happens when you don't teach
Constitutional principles in high school.>
01-02-2021 - Black man at Brown University forced out of his job by rich white leftists
01-02-2021 - 2019 Teacher of the Year Rodney Robinson urges Mitch McConnell’s
neighbors to give him Rand Paul treatment
12-31-2020 - Purdue Univ, led by former GOP gov, bucks tuition trend
12-31-2020 - Trump authorizes 'emergency learning scholarships' for students denied in-
12-22-2020 - Professor Speaks Out After Being Shamed for Writing History of BLM
12-03-2020 - Chuck Schumer Endorses Biden's Plan To Force Public Schools To Allow
11-30-2020 - New Jersey Lawmakers Pass Bill to Adopt 'Social Justice' Education in Public
09-24-2020 - Mother fired for opposing LGBT sex ed for little kids sues school where she
09-23-2020 - New York Times Quietly Removes Anti-White Propaganda From Anti-
American '1619 Project', Angering the Far Left
09-23-2020 - Trump issues executive order to combat ideology that America is
‘irredeemably racist and sexist’
09-17-2020 - 2 Seattle Schools Offered 7-Year-Olds Anti-Police, Leftist Messages
09-16-2020 - ‘Shocking And Saddening’: Survey Shows Profound Ignorance Of Holocaust
Among U.S. Young People, Including Nearly 20% In New York Who Believe
09-16-2020 - Washington, D.C., Public Schools Spend $30K Per Student; 23% of 8th
Graders Proficient in Reading, Other States Not Much Better
09-03-2020 - Academic Death Spiral: VIDEO Highlights From “Saving Higher Ed From
08-31-2020 - Study: Public Schools Hide Planned Parenthood’s Extermination Of The
08-31-2020 - It’s Time To Stop Paying Colleges For Overpriced Leftist Indoctrination
08-30-2020 - Teacher Retirements Are Up Across The U.S. Here's Why.
08-28-2020 - California Schools Kowtow to Black Lives Matter's Marxist Agenda -
A glance at the hatred being force-fed to American kids.
08-26-2020 - REPORT: Public Schools ‘Revamping’ History Curriculum After Study Finds
Vast Majority Of Teachers Support BLM
08-26-2020 - Prof. Walter E. Williams: Institutional Racism in Higher Ed
08-25-2020 - ‘Nice White Parents’ Responsible for Failing Public Schools, New York Times
08-21-2020 - LISTEN: ACU Podcast - The Case Against Homework and Race to Nowhere.
08-21-2020 - Prof. Walter E. WIlliams: Back to College, Back to Academic Brainwashing
08-20-2020 - Fordham U Sent Cops To Investigate A Student For Criticizing China
08-19-2020 - This Mom Created an Education Pod, and You Can Too
08-18-2020 - 4 States Supporting Private Schools With COVID-19 Relief Lead Way on
08-18-2020 - University Instructor Warns Anti-BLM, Pro-Life Views ‘Grounds for Dismissal’
08-17-2020 - 3 Jewish Students Forced Out of USC Student Government for Pro-Israel
08-16-2020 - I’m a Former Teacher. Here’s How Your Children Are Getting Indoctrinated
08-14-2020 - Progressive Sex Education and the Battle for Our Children
08-13-2020 - The College Death Spiral, Part 2
08-13-2020 - Problematic Women: Her Leftist College Tried to Reeducate Her. Now She’s
08-12-2020 - Leftist Teacher Worries About Parents Listening in on Virtual Classes
08-11-2020 - Has the college death spiral started?
08-10-2020 - Bad news for teachers' unions: New UK mega-study shows that opening
schools brings almost no COVID risk
08-07-2020 - USC Student Government Purging Pro-Israel Leaders
08-06-2020 - If Teachers Unions Really Cared About Kids, They’d Be Demanding Schools
08-06-2020 - Chicago College Students Demand Schools Cut Ties with 'White Supremacist
Cult' Police <Parents, save your money and stop sending your kids to these universities to be indoctrinated by these anti-American Communist professors!!>
08-05-2020 - Teachers Unions Are Attempting Political Blackmail. It’s Time To Break
08-05-2020 - How Oklahoma Is Making the Best of a Bad Situation With COVID-19
08-05-2020 - To Save America, Defund the Schools
08-04-2020 - Chicago Lawmaker Wants to Cancel History Classes ‘Until a Suitable
08-03-2020 - Teachers’ Unions, Socialists Demand Funding, End to 'Systemic Racism'
07-28-2020 - National teacher union supports strikes over reopening plans
07-28-2020 - Speaker: Most Parents Have No Idea Schools Are Pushing Trans Ideology
07-27-2020 - Peak Idiocy: Rutgers University Declares Grammar 'Racist'<Yeah, because
grammar is hard and we shouldn't have to learn that, or math, or real history, or
science or any of those other hard subjects....and the government should pay all our
tuition, man!! Now who's got my joint, man??>
07-25-2020 - California State University’s Mandate of Ethnic, Social Justice Studies Driven
07-23-2020 - Young Americans’ Ignorance of Socialism Threatens Our Freedom and
07-23-2020 - Standing Up to ‘Wokeness’ and the Intolerance of the Mob
07-22-2020 - Popular Teacher Allegedly Fired From Michigan High School for Saying
‘Trump is Our President’ <Well, whether you like it or don't like it, he is the
individual currently occupying the White House, but I guess you can't even teach the
obvious anymore.>
07-22-2020 - Students and Faculty at Dartmouth Sign Letter Urging School to Fight
07-21-2020 - Campus Re-Education - Maoist-Style
07-21-2020 - The Citadel Will Require All Cadets to Study Constitution <FINALLY in
compliance with a 96-year old South Carolina law. One of the premier universities
that trains our military's officers who must swear an oath to "support and defend the
Constitution of the United States," yet they aren't taught anything about it.
07-21-2020 - Virginia Mandates “Slavery Lessons” . . . For Kindergarteners
07-21-2020 - UConn Medical School Suspending Honor Society Over Fear That Merit-
07-21-2020 - Students at Harvard Law School Call for ‘Automatic Bar Admission’<Yeah,
good luck with that.>
07-20-2020 - Notre Dame Stands by Use of ‘Fighting Irish’ Nickname and Leprechaun
07-20-2020 - Home Education Surges as Teachers’ Unions Block Reopening of Schools
07-20-2020 - Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN) gets hired by Notre Dame to ‘restore trust’ in
07-19-2020 - Georgetown Student Petition: Create a 'Sanctuary Space' Campus by
Banning Cops <Hey parents and donating alumni - did you know you money is
funding this kind of stupidity??>
07-18-2020 - Sixties Radicals Hold Powerful Positions in Government & Academia
07-17-2020 - College Calls Police on Student Who Sent Email Mocking Diversity
Demands <Wait, you don't want the police around, but you do want the police. I know
they don't teach those worthless skills like critical thinking in college anymore, but you
have to make a choice.>
07-17-2020 - Dismantling Student Loan Program Best Path to Fight ‘Leftist Indoctrination’
07-17-2020 - Biden Fights Science: Just Plain Dangerous for Kids to Return to School
07-17-2020 - NC Teachers' Union Demands Universal Health Care, Welfare for Illegal
07-16-2020 - Democrats Play Politics With Schools, But It’s Not the First Time
07-16-2020 - Cornell University takes a major step towards compulsory racial activism for
07-15-2020 - More Than 20 Countries Are Reopening Schools. The US Should Take Note.
07-16-2020 - Biden-Sanders 'Unity Task Force:' We Must End a Popular Scholarship
07-15-2020 - Prof. Walter E. Williams: Despicable Behavior of Today's Academicians
07-15-2020 - Physician Dr Scott Atlas Explains Why Closing Schools in the Fall
Doesn't Agree with the Science
07-14-2020 - MSNBC Host's Face After Pediatricians Say It's Time to Send Kids Back to
07-14-2020 - UConn student government leaders resign because they’re white
07-14-2020 - These Are the Ridiculous Non-Coronavirus Demands the LA Teachers Union
Wants Met Before Returning to School
07-11-2020 - Remember When Obama Threatened to Take Funding From Schools?
07-11-2020 - Families Turn to Homeschooling as the Education Establishment Fumbles
07-11-2020 - L.A. teachers union says schools can't reopen unless charter schools get
07-10-2020 - Trump Has a Strong Warning for Public Schools More Interested In
07-10-2020 - SCOTUS to Hear Freedom of Speech on College Campuses Case
07-10-2020 - Victor Davis Hanson: 5 'Radical, Long-Term Solutions' to Leftist Academic
07-10-2020 - Trump: Defund 'Radical Left' Universities; Orders Review of Tax-exempt
Status <YES!!!>
07-10-2020 - 'Faculty-Lounge Coyotes': 25,000 Academics Dismiss Citizenship as
'Artificial Distinction' <And we're paying to have idiots like these prepare our kids
for life.>
07-09-2020 - If You Want To Defund Something, Start With Higher Education
07-09-2020 - U.S. Bishops Laud Court’s Defense of Church Right to Choose Teachers
07-09-2020 - A Clarifying Moment for Teachers Unions
07-09-2020 - Teachers' Unions Rebuff Trump Push to Reopen Schools
07-08-2020 - Prof. Walter E. Williams - Charter Schools and Their Enemies
07-08-2020 - Taxpayers Need to Hold Public Schools Accountable
07-08-2020 - Supreme Court Tells Ninth Circuit to Stay Out of Personnel Decisions of
07-08-2020 - Supreme Court Separates Church and State to Protect Religious Freedom
07-08-2020 - Colleges Hike Tuition, Slash Classroom Instruction
07-08-2020 - We Have Failed to Fight Anti-Americanism in Public Education
07-08-2020 - Colleges To Increase Tuition While Cutting Amenities And In-Person
Teaching <While sitting on millions and billions in endowment funds. See stories at
07-07-2020 - National Parents’ Coalition ‘Thrilled’ Trump Exposed ‘Indoctrination’ in
Government Schools<That's 'gubbment skools.'>
07-07-2020 - College Professors Celebrate the Fourth of July by Bashing America
07-03-2020 - Universities Sowing Seeds of Own Obsolescence
07-02-2020 - Survey: College Makes Young Americans Less Patriotic
07-01-2020 - L.A. School Police Chief Resigns After School Board Defunds Police by 35%
06-30-2020 - Supreme Court Hands Huge Win to Families on School Choice
06-30-2020 - Supreme Court Protects Religious Freedom and School Choice
06-20-2020 - Only 1 of the Top 100 Universities Featured a Conservative Graduation
06-16-2020 - How Our Anti-American Education System Made Riots Inevitable
06-13-2020 - Academia’s Push to Fire Even the Few Academics Who Don’t Tow the Leftist
06-12-2020 - School choice should be the status quo
06-11-2020 - George Washington University Apologizes for Sharing Email About Police
Recruitment Fair <Oh, did poor little snowflakes get triggered???>
06-11-2020 - UCLA professor suspended, receives death threats for not canceling exams
<I'm shocked that they even still have exams out there in the Democratic People's
Republic of California. Aren't exams racist, or politically incorrect, or unfair or
06-09-2020 - Why the New York Times Capitulated on the Senator Tom Cotton Article
06-09-2020 - Arizona State Revokes Job Offer After Professor Praises Good Police
Officers' <What happened to free speech and open exchange of ideas? Well, ASU
used to be a great school.>
06-04-2020 - New Jersey Adopts Mandated LGBTQ-Inclusive Planned Parenthood Sex Ed
05-27-2020 - Why We Need to Reemphasize America’s Founding Principles in Civics
05-21-2020 - Why a Return to Obama’s Student Loan Forgiveness Rules Would Be a
05-20-2020 - Prof. Walter E. Williams: Rotten Education Isn’t Preordained
04-23-2020 - The Left's Long War on Parents Over Schooling Their Kids
04-23-2020 - Attack on Homeschooling Is the Left's Latest Way of Silencing Conservatives
04-21-2020 - Harvard Smears Homeschooling Parents and Their Children
04-15-2020 - The Welcome Rise of Homeschooling
12-03-2019 - U.S. Students Show No Improvement in Math, Reading, Science on
11-28-2019 - Rap Sheet: 117 Acts of Violence and Harassment Against Conservatives on
10-31-2019 - Jew-Hatred Exposed at University of Minnesota During National Students for
Justice in Palestine Conference
10-29-2019 - Seattle Schools Propose To Teach That Math Education Is Racist—Will
10-15-2019 - WALTER WILLIAMS: Intolerance in academia
10-10-2019 - New Jersey Teacher Reassigned for Kneeling During Pledge of Allegiance
08-22-2019 - The US spends more on education than any other country, but students lag
behind academically. Here's how much other countries spend and how well
07-07-2019 - What Country Spends the Most on Education?
07-01-2019 - Research Report: The Role of College and University Endowments
06-12-2019 - Elementary School Teacher Bans 1st-Graders from Saying “Jesus” or G-d”,
06-05-2019 - Rap Sheet: 76 Acts of Violence and Harassment Against Conservatives on
04-12-2019 - Amnesty Advocates Help Illegal Immigrants Get College Scholarships
04-02-2019 - The Biggest College Scandal of All - Stephen Moore
03-18-2019 - Mike Rowe on College Bribery Scam: Cost of College Is the Real Scandal
01-18-2019 - Notre Dame Prof. Offers 21 Reasons Why Higher Ed Is 'Bullsh*t'
01-03-2018 - Millennials Don't Know Brutal History of Communism <Thank you gubbment, I
mean publik skools!!>
12-27-2017 - WALTER WILLIAMS: Educational rot
10-24-2017 - WALTER WILLIAMS: Undermining America
08-30-2017 - Indiana teacher asks first-graders to stop talking about God in class
03-29-2017 - WALTER WILLIAMS: Educational sabotage
08-15-2015 - WALTER WILLIAMS: Academic Fascism II
08-11-2015 - WALTER WILLIAMS: Academic fascism
05-06-2015 - Professor: If You Read To Your Kids, You’re ‘Unfairly Disadvantaging’
This page was updated on September 13, 2024.